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    So how 'bout those compression underpants?


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    So how 'bout those compression underpants? Empty So how 'bout those compression underpants?

    Post by BillC Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:20 pm

    Just wanted to get ahead of the crowd on this subject.

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    So how 'bout those compression underpants? Empty Re: So how 'bout those compression underpants?

    Post by Taiobroshi Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:23 pm

    I honestly only owned boxers since I was 13, but a few years ago I got slammed by a te guruma and my unsecured jewels hit the ground after my body did. Now I go compression...

    Posts : 94
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    Location : Michigan

    So how 'bout those compression underpants? Empty Re: So how 'bout those compression underpants?

    Post by OldeEnglishD Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:10 pm

    Taiobroshi wrote:I honestly only owned boxers since I was 13, but a few years ago I got slammed by a te guruma and my unsecured jewels hit the ground after my body did. Now I go compression...

    Compression is the only way I roll. I get enough injuries without having to explain that one! Shocked

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    So how 'bout those compression underpants? Empty Re: So how 'bout those compression underpants?

    Post by judoratt Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:00 am

    BillC wrote:Just wanted to get ahead of the crowd on this subject.

    Looking at your avatar thoes compression shorts must be a little tight. tongue tongue

    Posts : 94
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    So how 'bout those compression underpants? Empty Re: So how 'bout those compression underpants?

    Post by OldeEnglishD Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:59 am

    judoratt wrote:
    BillC wrote:Just wanted to get ahead of the crowd on this subject.

    Looking at your avatar thoes compression shorts must be a little tight. tongue tongue

    Best avatar photo ever!

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    So how 'bout those compression underpants? Empty Re: So how 'bout those compression underpants?

    Post by ThePieman Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:46 pm

    I would need to know more about the compression ratio before entertaining such an idea. geek

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    So how 'bout those compression underpants? Empty Re: So how 'bout those compression underpants?

    Post by judoratt Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:57 pm

    An old dojo tale. " The only guys that get kicked in the balls are the guys with the big balls" me I don't have the problem, that being said It doesn't mtter what I wear. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
    Steve Leadbeater
    Steve Leadbeater

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    So how 'bout those compression underpants? Empty Re: So how 'bout those compression underpants?

    Post by Steve Leadbeater Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:45 am

    This could be a return to the "Pink Boxer Shorts"
    thread from the Old site ............

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    So how 'bout those compression underpants? Empty Re: So how 'bout those compression underpants?

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