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    What to do with an old, torn gi?


    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2013-03-02
    Location : Belgrade

    What to do with an old, torn gi? Empty What to do with an old, torn gi?

    Post by Freelancer Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:20 am

    The title says it all. I've recently bought new gi, since my old one is practically useless now, getting torn relatively often. Do you have any idea what could I do with the old one, except throwing it away?

    Posts : 405
    Join date : 2013-01-28

    What to do with an old, torn gi? Empty Re: What to do with an old, torn gi?

    Post by DougNZ Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:24 am

    Freelancer wrote:The title says it all. I've recently bought new gi, since my old one is practically useless now, getting torn relatively often. Do you have any idea what could I do with the old one, except throwing it away?
    In the past I have made a couple of presentation belts. I used an old gi to make snazzy belt bags with silk draw strings.

    Posts : 405
    Join date : 2013-01-28

    What to do with an old, torn gi? Empty Re: What to do with an old, torn gi?

    Post by DougNZ Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:25 am

    Freelancer wrote:The title says it all. I've recently bought new gi, since my old one is practically useless now, getting torn relatively often. Do you have any idea what could I do with the old one, except throwing it away?
    They also make nice book covers and pin-board covers.

    Posts : 377
    Join date : 2012-12-30

    What to do with an old, torn gi? Empty Re: What to do with an old, torn gi?

    Post by afulldeck Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:29 am

    If you weight lift, they make great lifting straps.

    Posts : 806
    Join date : 2012-12-28
    Location : Vista, California

    What to do with an old, torn gi? Empty Re: What to do with an old, torn gi?

    Post by BillC Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:26 am


    Summertime pajamas for lounging ... tie-dyed. Don't wear to bed after drinking a gallon of beer ... that will be the time that the drawstring gets stuck.

    Cut-off board shorts for the beach. Nobody wants to see you in a Speedo anyway.

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    What to do with an old, torn gi? Empty Re: What to do with an old, torn gi?

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