In March 2013, the Japanese MEXT released a revised edition of their "学校体育実技指導資料", i.e. "Practical coaching material for physical education in school".
In this larger set of teaching material, I found a guidebook/referencebook for teaching jûdô "柔道指導の手引", a title reminding me of Isogai Hajime's classic "柔道の手引"
The material seems to be aimed at middle and high school, and covers what you would expect from such a manual. Anyway, here is a direct link. I would have added the files directly here for your enjoyment, but filesize is too big apparently
MEXT - judo handbook
Headlines are (very quick translations):
第一章:体育学習における武道 - The budo of physical education and learning
第二章:柔道の指導内容 - Contents of judo instruction
第三章:指導計画と学習評価 - Timeframe of instruction and evaluation of learning (progress evaluation sounds better)
第四章:技能指導の要点 - Main points of technical skills
第五章:練習法と試合 - Practice and shiai
Section 4 covers some 15 throws, separated in the followingdumbed-down categories:
- Propping/suporting (支え). Hiza-guruma, sasae-tsurikomi-ashi
- Turning (まわし) (1 and 2) tai-otoshi, ô-goshi, tsuri-komi-goshi, seoi-nage, harai-goshi, hane-goshi, uchi-mata
- Cut/reap (刈り) ô-soto-gari, ko-uchi-gari, ô-uchi-gari
- Sweep (払い) okuri-ashi-harai
- Sacrifice (捨て身) tomoe-nage, uki-waza
plus kesa-gatame, shihô-gatame (the 3 standard variations), and kata-gatame, as well as a couple of defensive maneuvers and counters
In this larger set of teaching material, I found a guidebook/referencebook for teaching jûdô "柔道指導の手引", a title reminding me of Isogai Hajime's classic "柔道の手引"
The material seems to be aimed at middle and high school, and covers what you would expect from such a manual. Anyway, here is a direct link. I would have added the files directly here for your enjoyment, but filesize is too big apparently
MEXT - judo handbook
Headlines are (very quick translations):
第一章:体育学習における武道 - The budo of physical education and learning
第二章:柔道の指導内容 - Contents of judo instruction
第三章:指導計画と学習評価 - Timeframe of instruction and evaluation of learning (progress evaluation sounds better)
第四章:技能指導の要点 - Main points of technical skills
第五章:練習法と試合 - Practice and shiai
Section 4 covers some 15 throws, separated in the following
- Propping/suporting (支え). Hiza-guruma, sasae-tsurikomi-ashi
- Turning (まわし) (1 and 2) tai-otoshi, ô-goshi, tsuri-komi-goshi, seoi-nage, harai-goshi, hane-goshi, uchi-mata
- Cut/reap (刈り) ô-soto-gari, ko-uchi-gari, ô-uchi-gari
- Sweep (払い) okuri-ashi-harai
- Sacrifice (捨て身) tomoe-nage, uki-waza
plus kesa-gatame, shihô-gatame (the 3 standard variations), and kata-gatame, as well as a couple of defensive maneuvers and counters