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    Instruction manual for judo in schools (2nd ed)


    Posts : 118
    Join date : 2013-01-15
    Age : 40
    Location : Norway

    Instruction manual for judo in schools (2nd ed) Empty Instruction manual for judo in schools (2nd ed)

    Post by cuivien Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:52 am

    In March 2013, the Japanese MEXT released a revised edition of their "学校体育実技指導資料", i.e. "Practical coaching material for physical education in school".

    In this larger set of teaching material, I found a guidebook/referencebook for teaching jûdô "柔道指導の手引", a title reminding me of Isogai Hajime's classic "柔道の手引"

    The material seems to be aimed at middle and high school, and covers what you would expect from such a manual. Anyway, here is a direct link. I would have added the files directly here for your enjoyment, but filesize is too big apparently Smile

    MEXT - judo handbook

    Headlines are (very quick translations):
    第一章:体育学習における武道  -  The budo of physical education and learning
    第二章:柔道の指導内容  -  Contents of judo instruction
    第三章:指導計画と学習評価  -  Timeframe of instruction and evaluation of learning (progress evaluation sounds better)
    第四章:技能指導の要点  -  Main points of technical skills
    第五章:練習法と試合  -  Practice and shiai

    Section 4 covers some 15 throws, separated in the following dumbed-down categories:
    - Propping/suporting (支え). Hiza-guruma, sasae-tsurikomi-ashi
    - Turning (まわし) (1 and 2) tai-otoshi, ô-goshi, tsuri-komi-goshi, seoi-nage, harai-goshi, hane-goshi, uchi-mata
    - Cut/reap (刈り) ô-soto-gari, ko-uchi-gari, ô-uchi-gari
    - Sweep (払い) okuri-ashi-harai
    - Sacrifice (捨て身) tomoe-nage, uki-waza
    plus kesa-gatame, shihô-gatame (the 3 standard variations), and kata-gatame, as well as a couple of defensive maneuvers and counters

    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Instruction manual for judo in schools (2nd ed) Empty Re: Instruction manual for judo in schools (2nd ed)

    Post by NBK Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:32 am

    Thanks for posting this.

    The re-establishment of budo as a common subject in schools took years of effort, and its implementation has been pretty well thought out, it seems. There have been some problems - witness the (Osaka area?) promotion of teachers with minimal experience and training to 2dan to meet minimum requirements, the coincidental but emotionally charged criminal charges against a high level judo women's college team coach and a Tokyo Judo Federation official, and the embezzlement scandal that drove Kodokan kancho Uemura and many top Kodokan officials out of the All Japan Judo Federation.

    But the AJJF and its subordinate city and prefectural judo organizations continue to stress instructor training and qualification, pushing hard to have fully screened, trained and qualified instructors in all classes. I think there is a cost to all this, and there seems to be a new instructor registration fee to help offset that, too.

    Posts : 118
    Join date : 2013-01-15
    Age : 40
    Location : Norway

    Instruction manual for judo in schools (2nd ed) Empty Re: Instruction manual for judo in schools (2nd ed)

    Post by cuivien Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:10 am

    Indeed. I've been reading a bit in the instruction, and it seems fairly comprehensive and well thought out, though a bit "wordy".

    Here's a couple of quick snippets plus translation for those non-Japanese speaking forum members:

    Talking about middle school jûdô:
    力の育成と体力の向上を図り、明るく豊かな生活を営む態度を育てる。 」 <中学校「要領」 >
    Taking body and spirit as a whole, the [goal] is to bring about an environment where [they] can carry out a bright and bountiful daily life, aiming for an increase of physical strength and cultivation of practice for the purpose of preservation of health, while at the same time raising their abilities and dispositions towards a life-long involvement in sports through continuing rational physical practice and development of understanding of health and safety in sports.

    *phew*, that's a long sentence.

    Thinking about instruction in budô:
    Budô is a peculiar part of our nation's culture, developed from bugei and bujutsu, and a form of exercise allowing for a enjoyable taste of competing and fighting by, depending on your opponent's movements, using basic skills and techniques to attack or defend against his techniques. By engulfing oneself in budô, one also understands the traditional way thinking, and considers respect for one's opponent while training or competing.

    There are some other good stuff here as well, but I'll get to that tomorrow or Wednesday

    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Instruction manual for judo in schools (2nd ed) Empty Re: Instruction manual for judo in schools (2nd ed)

    Post by NBK Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:10 pm

    cuivien wrote:Indeed. I've been reading a bit in the instruction, and it seems fairly comprehensive and well thought out, though a bit "wordy".

    Here's a couple of quick snippets plus translation for those non-Japanese speaking forum members:

    Talking about middle school jûdô:
    力の育成と体力の向上を図り、明るく豊かな生活を営む態度を育てる。 」  <中学校「要領」 >
    Taking body and spirit as a whole, the [goal] is to bring about an environment where [they] can carry out a bright and bountiful daily life, aiming for an increase of physical strength and cultivation of practice for the purpose of preservation of health, while at the same time raising their abilities and dispositions towards a life-long involvement in sports through continuing rational physical practice and development of understanding of health and safety in sports.

    *phew*, that's a long sentence.

    Thinking about instruction in budô:
    Budô is a peculiar part of our nation's culture, developed from bugei and bujutsu, and a form of exercise allowing for a enjoyable taste of competing and fighting by, depending on your opponent's movements, using basic skills and techniques to attack or defend against his techniques. By engulfing oneself in budô, one also understands the traditional way thinking, and considers respect for one's opponent while training or competing.

    There are some other good stuff here as well, but I'll get to that tomorrow or Wednesday
    Yes, those are long sentences. Japanese bureaucrats specialize in this - this sort of communications seems to be encouraged, even taught. I don't know the origin of it, but wonder if there classic Chinese encouraged this in some sort of emulation.

    Don't stop now!!! Great stuff.

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