by Cichorei Kano Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:09 am
ItchyKomi wrote:Haha. I need the knuckle dusters!!
I find the fit of the master gi excellent. If I could still get it in the UK it would not be up for debate..However I am wary of unexpected import duty getting it sent in from Espana. Hence the question about the black label.
My other favourite gi the shuurai lite from Blitz has also been sent to gi manufacturers heaven :-(
How can you have to pay import duty for something coming from Spain sent to the UK since both are EU coutries, and you would be importing a single piece for your own use that is way below the taxable amount ?
I have no idea about "the fit". Assuming that you are built as a humanoid, most brands should properly fit if you only choose the correct size, with obviously Japanese gi having the most sizes but also being the most expensive. If a basic European-made gi suffices, there are so many brands around, Adidas, SFAM Norris, Matsuru, Fuji, and so many more. Most of these companies make gi mainly for humans.