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    Thought it might interest you all


    Posts : 44
    Join date : 2013-11-12
    Age : 43

    Thought it might interest you all Empty Thought it might interest you all

    Post by Rightintheface Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:44 pm

    I recently did a judo comp, my first in about 12 years. Not terrible, went 2/5 and of the 3 I lost, I felt one Was called incorrectly. Ended up second in my weight class, pretty fun, although they didn't like my jiu-jitsuness. Won by lapel choke and armbar but got some takedowns too. Few yukos and a wazari.

    If I can find freestyle judo comps I'll do more. Not putting any more money in IJF's pocket.

    Posts : 377
    Join date : 2012-12-30

    Thought it might interest you all Empty Re: Thought it might interest you all

    Post by afulldeck Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:27 pm

    Rightintheface wrote:I recently did a judo comp, my first in about 12 years. Not terrible, went 2/5 and of the 3 I lost, I felt one Was called incorrectly. Ended up second in my weight class, pretty fun, although they didn't like my jiu-jitsuness. Won by lapel choke and armbar but got some takedowns too. Few yukos and a wazari.

    If I can find freestyle judo comps I'll do more. Not putting any more money in IJF's pocket.

    Congratulations on getting on the mat after that length of inactivity. Good for you. And if I'm reading in between the lines, you are correct the scope of judo is much greater than what the IJF allows currently. Freestyle judo, although, I haven't had the pleasure allows more judo.


    Posts : 44
    Join date : 2013-11-12
    Age : 43

    Thought it might interest you all Empty Re: Thought it might interest you all

    Post by Rightintheface Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:30 pm

    Thanks! And yes, judo is great but IMO what IJF is promoting isn't even judo any more. One man's opinion.

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