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    Mifune treasures on eBay


    Posts : 1070
    Join date : 2013-01-02

    Mifune treasures on eBay Empty Mifune treasures on eBay

    Post by Jonesy Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:47 am

    The God of Judo

    Canon of Judo (not the modern reprint)



    Posts : 52
    Join date : 2013-02-11
    Age : 39
    Location : Poland

    Mifune treasures on eBay Empty Re: Mifune treasures on eBay

    Post by JakubMB Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:54 am

    Wow, I haven't been on this forum for a while and now I noticed one of my listings on ebay got linked here. Thanks Jonesy! I think it helped, cause it got sold soon after. It happens that I still got some copies of the "Canon of judo", which I've just listed on eBay. I think the price is fair. And by buying them you will help me finance my pursuit of founding a judo club in my home town Smile. I need the money for courses, grading and some gear necessary to do it.


      Current date/time is Wed Dec 04, 2024 10:38 am