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    Katsudo judogi - cheap and good quality


    Posts : 840
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Katsudo judogi - cheap and good quality Empty Katsudo judogi - cheap and good quality

    Post by noboru Thu May 14, 2015 3:29 am

    I can recommend cheap (about 35 Euro ) and good quality judogi from Katsudo company, I have one white (750 g) and I use it for training and I am happy. These judogis are not IJF APPROVED but are good for judo practice.

    Area - Europe, Slovakia

    Katsudo judogi 750g

    All Katsudo judogis (different grammages - 940g, 930g, 800g, 750g, 700g , 350g (for children) )

    Katsudo judogi - cheap and good quality Image_1286

    EDIT: Note: I am 187 cm tall and my Katsudo judogi size is 190 cm. After washing is it size correct to my tall. It is better to buy a little bigger...

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