Ude hishigi teko gatame = Arm taking lever lock
should read:
Ude hishigi kote gatame = Arm taking wrist lock
I always translate 'hishigi' as crushing, don't really know what is used otherwise.
Also, we were discussing this waza sequence at the dojo this weekend. There was a group from the German Judo Federation that have been at the Kodokan for a couple of wks. This is not a Kodokan recognized series - yet.
The waza was worked out by the Mifune faction at the KDK. One of his senior students was Dr. Ito Kazuo, KDK 9dan, IMAF 10dan. Ito sensei wrote the book describing this kata, and his uke for it was Sato Shizuya sensei, formerly of the Kodokan International Division, and later Managing Director, International Martial Arts Federation (IMAF). Mifune sensei was also a senior member of IMAF.
Ito sensei told Sato sensei that Mifune sensei would see the countertechniques in his dreams, then try them out in the dojo. Despite having many counters, he never organized them.
His bio:
Dr. Ito Kazuo sensei was born in 1898 in Shinjo City, Yamagata Prefecture. He studied the art of jujutsu from childhood with his father.
Upon graduation from Meiji University and the High Grade Judo Instructor School of the Kodokan, he entered the Kodokan as a judo 1st dan in April 1920. In May 1922 he entered the Mifune jukuto study under Mifune Kyuzo, who became the senior technical instructor of the Kodokan for many years.
Postwar, Ito sensei was one of the first group of judo instructors to get certification from the Japan Ministry of Culture and Education allowing them to teach judo in public schools after the postwar Occupation ban of budo in public schools and facilities throughout Japan. In May 1958 he was awarded 9th dan by the Kodokan. A senior instructor of the Kodokan, he was a member of the Council of the Kodokan, Vice Chairman, All Japan High Rank Judoka Association (全日本柔道高段者会), an advisor of the Tokyo Judo Association, and an advisor to the American Embassy Judo Club, U.S. Embassy, Tokyo, Japan (www.usejc.com).
He was a professor at Seijo Gakuen (now Seijo University), Meiji University, and Nippon Athletic University (now Nippon Sport Science University); a lecturer at Kogakuin University and Toyoko Gakuen Women's College.
Ito sensei's later books note his academic credentials as Doctor of Science (理学博士).
Ito sensei had five books on judo published:
○ 柔道敎書- -Judo Kyosho -Judo Instruction Book
○ This is Judo -1964 (English)
○ This is Judo for Women - 1968 (English)
○ 女子柔道・護身術- 1972 Joshi Judo -Goshinjutsu(Women's Judo -Self Defense)
○ 柔道の投げと固めの裏技- 1972 Judo no Nage to Katame no Urawaza (Counter Techniques to Judo Throws and Pins)
Ito sensei studied the Counter Techniques under Mifune sensei and organized them into the current form (source: numerous conversations with Sato Shizuya sensei, American Embassy Judo Club, Tokyo, Japan, 1992-2011) as found in his text below and as transmitted by Sato Shizuya sensei.
The forward was written by Ishii Mitsujirou 石井光次郎, the then Chairman, Japan Amateur Sports Association (now the Japan Sports Association), which was founded and chaired in July 1911 by Kano Jigoro shihan, the founder of Kodokan judo. Mr. Ishii was the former Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan, an aikidoka, and a Kodokan Judo 6th dan. http://www.japan-sports.or.jp/english/tabid/104/Default.aspx
A brief bio of Mr. Ishii adopted from Aikido Journal follows:
Mitsujiro Ishii (1889-1981)was an early student of Morihei Ueshiba sensei, the founder of aikido, beginning around 1927 when Ueshiba was being actively promoted by Admiral Isamu Takeshita in Tokyo. In 1933, he provided the introduction that led to Ueshiba becoming the martial arts instructor of the Osaka branch of the Asahi News. Ishii was a managing director of the Asahi News company headquartered in Tokyo, and wielded a tremendous amount of influence in the Asahi company. He was a mentor and supporter of Takuma Hisa, and helped in the formation of the Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Takumakai after the war.
Ishii would later become an important figure in Japanese postwar politics. At one point, in 1957, he was one of the top candidates to become prime minister of Japan. Ishii served as a cabinet member in several administrations from the late 1940s through the early 1960s. He was also a golf enthusiast and served as president of the Japan Golf Association. Parenthetically, Ishii was the father of Yoshiko Ishii, a famous Japanese chanson singer who was a Japanese star for many years, and was also well-known in France and performed in major European venues.
Adopted from <http://members.aikidojournal.com/public/historical-photo-time-machine-back-to-osaka-in-1935-by-stanley-pranin/>
Sato Shizuya 佐藤静弥 was Ito sensei's uke for the photos in the book and many other publications. Sato sensei was Judo 10th dan, the founder of Nihon Jujutsu (www.nihonjujutsu.com) and Director, International Martial Arts Federation, 1982-2011.
Sato sensei's father and Ito sensei were childhood friends, and when Sato sensei's father died at an early age, Ito sensei, who had no children of his own, and Sato sensei formed a very close personal and professional relationship that lasted until Ito sensei's death in 1974. In particular, Ito sensei and Sato sensei practiced the Nage to Katame no Urawaza together for decades, demonstrated it at many IMAF events, and Sato sensei continued its instruction at the American Embassy Judo Club. IMAF Meijin including Mifune sensei, Dr. Ito sensei
Japan Sports Assoc. / Mr. Ishii