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Q mystic
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    Taking a break


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    Taking a break Empty Taking a break

    Post by rjohnston411 Fri May 03, 2013 6:00 am

    How often do you step away from the
    mat? Are your breaks planned like say a weightlifter or is it spontaneous? How long do you step off for is another thing.

    Having to take this week off due to a meeting at work and a foot injury as well as my back seizing up prompted me to ask. I had been to every session from the New Year and was mentally burned out anyway.

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by tafftaz Fri May 03, 2013 6:36 am

    I have never stayed away from the mat. Even when injured I have turned up to class in nearly 30 yrs

    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by Guest Fri May 03, 2013 6:43 am

    rjohnston411 wrote:How often do you step away from the
    mat? Are your breaks planned like say a weightlifter or is it spontaneous? How long do you step off for is another thing.

    Having to take this week off due to a meeting at work and a foot injury as well as my back seizing up prompted me to ask. I had been to every session from the New Year and was mentally burned out anyway.

    I essentially took a year off after my divorce. I probably stepped on the tatami a total of 12 times last year. These days since I have reoccurring injuries I'll take a class off if I'm hurt. I'll also take a class off if I have my children and they have homework/projects to do for school (like tonight).
    genetic judoka
    genetic judoka

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by genetic judoka Fri May 03, 2013 7:10 am

    I am nearing the end of a week long break I took to let my back heal up. I take breaks when I absolutely must. I took a 2 week vacation before my wedding to keep my face from getting messed up (I have a bad habit of getting a gi burn at the worst possible times), I took a month off after knee surgery, and I usually skip class during finals week (school should be the priority, as my dad likes to remind me). I'm on the mat 5 days a week, and I love it. if I miss more than a few days I start getting cranky.
    Wandering WB

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by Wandering WB Fri May 03, 2013 7:23 am

    For myself, at least a two week break after every tournament... It's not necessary to get the maximum amount of training time unless you are training for the Olympics and personally, I am not remotely interested in something like that. The young people who want to waste their youth on it, however, are never too few in number. Only a handful of them from all over the world are ever going to get the dream.
    Dutch Budo
    Dutch Budo

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by Dutch Budo Fri May 03, 2013 7:32 am

    I was competing pretty much every week or once every two weeks, even fought when I was injured in Naga Paris because I didn't want to miss out. Then I took a three months break from competition and just trained for the heck of it. Working with the berimbolo a little bit just spending time having fun. And recently started competing again and I refound my love and fight spirit. So im happy I took a break.

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by Hanon Fri May 03, 2013 8:07 am

    Wandering WB wrote:For myself, at least a two week break after every tournament... It's not necessary to get the maximum amount of training time unless you are training for the Olympics and personally, I am not remotely interested in something like that. The young people who want to waste their youth on it, however, are never too few in number. Only a handful of them from all over the world are ever going to get the dream.

    You should attend a tournament every two weeks then Cool


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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by DougNZ Fri May 03, 2013 8:39 am

    Hanon wrote:You should attend a tournament every two weeks then Cool


    That was a bit naughty, Mike!

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by Hanon Fri May 03, 2013 9:57 am

    DougNZ wrote:
    Hanon wrote:You should attend a tournament every two weeks then Cool


    That was a bit naughty, Mike!

    Cool Twisted Evil

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by samsmith2424 Sat May 04, 2013 7:40 am

    Wandering WB wrote:For myself, at least a two week break after every tournament... It's not necessary to get the maximum amount of training time unless you are training for the Olympics and personally, I am not remotely interested in something like that. The young people who want to waste their youth on it, however, are never too few in number. Only a handful of them from all over the world are ever going to get the dream.

    I don't understand why you need a two week break after a competition.
    Q mystic
    Q mystic

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by Q mystic Sat May 04, 2013 9:26 am

    rjohnston411 wrote:How often do you step away from the
    mat? Are your breaks planned like say a weightlifter or is it spontaneous? How long do you step off for is another thing.

    Having to take this week off due to a meeting at work and a foot injury as well as my back seizing up prompted me to ask. I had been to every session from the New Year and was mentally burned out anyway.

    Do you mean judo in your case? sry, assume so now. How many sessions/wk?

    You do know that you can skip the heavy training if you're tired and just do technical stuff right? Or even, just go to watch; it can motivate and still be beneficial.
    Q mystic
    Q mystic

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by Q mystic Sat May 04, 2013 9:34 am

    Wandering WB wrote:For myself, at least a two week break after every tournament... It's not necessary to get the maximum amount of training time unless you are training for the Olympics and personally, I am not remotely interested in something like that. The young people who want to waste their youth on it, however, are never too few in number. Only a handful of them from all over the world are ever going to get the dream.

    Judo tournies could typically run every other week out from what I remember. The two week off should be after the occasional huge tourny you used the other tournies to prep for from how I understand it.
    Q mystic
    Q mystic

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by Q mystic Sat May 04, 2013 9:39 am

    Dutch Budo wrote:I was competing pretty much every week or once every two weeks, even fought when I was injured in Naga Paris because I didn't want to miss out. Then I took a three months break from competition and just trained for the heck of it. Working with the berimbolo a little bit just spending time having fun. And recently started competing again and I refound my love and fight spirit. So im happy I took a break.

    ^ right here WBW.

    Wandering WB

    Posts : 102
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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by Wandering WB Sat May 04, 2013 1:28 pm

    Well, if you guys enjoy burning out, then go right ahead. Compete every two weeks. Razz

    Here is an article by Stephen Kesting explaining the situation. If you are not gonna read it before replying, then I am not gonna read your reply.


    Yasuhiro Yamashita did not compete every two weeks. He competed less than anybody else at his level. I don't know, maybe some people are on steroids. I have a word for them. Idiots.

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by samsmith2424 Sat May 04, 2013 3:28 pm

    These are articles on periodisaton and over training.

    What is your evidence you need two weeks for recovery from a competition?
    Wandering WB

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by Wandering WB Sat May 04, 2013 3:41 pm

    These are articles on periodisaton and over training.

    What is your evidence you need two weeks for recovery from a competition?
    What is my evidence that I, myself need two weeks for recovery? I scraped my foot on the mat. I think that's called a mat burn.

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by samsmith2424 Sat May 04, 2013 3:47 pm

    Wandering WB wrote:For myself, at least a two week break after every tournament...

    Every tournament you get mat burn on your foot!

    And does your mat burn take two weeks to heal!

    Wandering WB

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by Wandering WB Sat May 04, 2013 4:10 pm


    Every tournament you get mat burn on your foot!

    And does your mat burn take two weeks to heal!

    I don't think you have read he articles I linked at the cost of personal time and effort. Else you wouldn't be playing the fool now.

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by samsmith2424 Sat May 04, 2013 4:13 pm

    The articles are on overtraining and periodisation. They are not about you personally.

    .......and if posting links to articles causes you to use so much effort, then you have serious problems....

    Last edited by samsmith2424 on Sat May 04, 2013 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Wandering WB

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by Wandering WB Sat May 04, 2013 4:15 pm

    The articles are on overtraining and periodisation.
    Have you read them or am I wasting my time talking to you?

    Posts : 94
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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by samsmith2424 Sat May 04, 2013 4:29 pm

    I think I am wasting my time talking to you!
    It was mistake to think you have made an effort to think through your recovery and want to learn.
    Wandering WB

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by Wandering WB Sat May 04, 2013 4:53 pm

    I think I am wasting my time talking to you!
    Well, then you are too lazy to read two articles that I posted, rendering further conversation unnecessary. Idiot. I am not the subject of dscussion in this thread and I will take a break whenever I don't feel like training. You are nobody to tell me or anyone else what to do.

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by JudoMojo Sat May 04, 2013 10:14 pm

    It has never occurred to me to take more than one day off after a competition. Should be reasonably recovered by then. Don't need steroids for that either...

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by rjohnston411 Sat May 04, 2013 11:33 pm


    I'm beginning to question why I post here. Grow up ffs.

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    Taking a break Empty Re: Taking a break

    Post by OldeEnglishD Sun May 05, 2013 12:34 am

    I took a week off when I strained my LCL. Outside of more serious injuries, I try to do 4 practices a week. Like GJ, if I miss more than 1 class I start to get cranky. My wife will look at me and say, "you need to throw somebody, don't you?". I am a lucky man.

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