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    Status of Corinna (Broz) West

    Jerry Hays

    Posts : 142
    Join date : 2012-12-31

    Status of Corinna (Broz) West Empty Status of Corinna (Broz) West

    Post by Jerry Hays Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:19 pm

    Below is an e-mail from Corinna (Broz) West. She was on the USA 1996 Olympic Team and won three national judo championships.
    Hi friends,

    This is an update to my inner fan circle to ask for help in moving some important projects forward while I'm incapacitated. I have a traumatic brain injury from a bicycle wreck and am having trouble with dizziness, extensive physical fatigue, looking at computers, and confusion. I have headaches so painful it is difficult to sleep without having my head on ice. All this is normal for a traumatic brain injury. I have to spend about 20 hours a day laying down - my moving around and being vertical time is very limited. I still can't really look at computers much or read books or do too much thinking at any given time. My accident was 7 weeks ago and I keep thinking I will be better anytime but now it's looking like I need to build some support systems for the long haul.

    I would love your help. Here is what I need.
    • Anyone - I would love phone calls for encouragement - phone is the least painful way to contact me but short emails and Facebook is OK too.
    • I have some research questions on brain injury that someone could look up for me.
    • Poetry for Personal Power is funded for a fourth year and you can help me look for replication events using our process at http://poetryforpersonalpower.com
    • Donations can be made using the buttons on the right of my website at http://Corinnawest.com.
    • Local people can also be a big help to me while I'm nonfunctional with rides to doctor appointments and social stuff, help with housework or gardening, or help exercising my Greyhound.
    • Most importantly, though, I need help publicizing the national mental health dialogues.
    The national mental health dialogues are listed here. These are listed here: http://creatingcommunitysolutions.org/. If you can't get to one of the talks, there is also an online discussion.

    This is a very, very big chance to Make Sure we're heard on this. The forced med people will be on top of this already for sure. Many, many cities are involved but the 7 biggies include Eau Claire, WI, Washington, DC, 4 cities in Arizona, Denton County, TX, San Marcos, TX, two North carolina cities. These are all 300 person town hall meetings where a group of 10-15 psychiatric survivors or medical harm aware professionals could make a big impact. Very important to get out for these. We can ask for more peer based funding and research, fully informed and delayed medication use, and no more forced treatment. Anything. we want to ask for. I am on KC's planning committee and we are putting together a one page "Psych Survivor 101" document that might be included in the rest of the cities. I can also use help editing this document and making sure we are speaking as cohesively as possible for herding cats.

    Feel free to forward this email as far and wide as you want - we need as many peers as possible engaged in mental health discussions, and I'm quite willing to go public with brain injury struggles as I'm already doing the same as a professional mental health advocate.


    Corinna West, MS, CPS
    Creative Director, Wellness Wordworks
    PO Box 171614, Kansas City, KS 66117
    http://corinnawest.com/, http://wellnesswordworks.com
    Twitter: @CorinnaWest, @CombatArtsKC,
    @PeerWordworks, @PoetryforPower

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:31 pm