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    Posts : 1070
    Join date : 2013-01-02

    Kime-no-kata Empty Kime-no-kata

    Post by Jonesy Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:16 pm

    Kime-no-kata 極の形 (Forms of Decision)

    Jigoro Kano, referred to the three purposes of Judo as physical education, learning how to attack and defend, and moral training.

    The Kime-no-kata was established in 1888 and consists of twenty techniques for attack and defense. Eight are Idori techniques for use while seated, and twelve are Tachiai for use when both people are standing. By studying the kata it is possible to understand and master the theoretical basis for attack and defense, thereby allowing one to move quickly and apply the most appropriate techniques to control the opponent.

    The Kime-no-kata includes Atemi Waza, which are not used in Randori. Regular practice is essential in order to understand the key locations and apply the atemi sharply.

    The techniques of the Kime-no-kata are as follows:

    Idori (Kneeling)
    · Ryote-dori (Two-Hand Hold)
    · Tsukkake (Stomach Punch)
    · Suri Age (Forehead Thrust)
    · Yoko Uchi (Side Blow)
    · Ushiro-dori (Hold from Behind)
    · Tsukkomi (Dagger Thrust to Stomach)
    · Kirikomi (Downward Slash)
    · Yoko Tsuki (Dagger Thrust to Side)

    Tachiai (Standing)
    · Ryote-dori (Two-Hand Hold)
    · Sode Tori (Sleeve Grab)
    · Tsukkake (Punch to face)
    · Tsukiage (Uppercut)
    · Suri Age (Forehead Thrust)
    · Yoko Uchi (Side Blow)
    · Keage (Groin Kick)
    · Ushiro-dori (Hold from Behind)
    · Tsukkomi (Dagger Thrust to Stomach)
    · Kirikomi (Downward Slash)
    · Nuki Kake (Sword Unsheathing)
    · Kirioroshi (Downward Cut)

    The Kime-no-kata is also known as the Shinken-Shobu-no-kata.

    Please post all questions, videos etc pertaining to the Kime-no-kata in this area.

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