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    IJF Refereeing Seminar Malaga (Spain) 2014 - Video Recording

    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

    Posts : 1948
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    IJF Refereeing Seminar Malaga (Spain) 2014 - Video Recording Empty IJF Refereeing Seminar Malaga (Spain) 2014 - Video Recording

    Post by Cichorei Kano Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:18 pm

    This material is long and some of it is repetitive, probably partly due to some of the labeling being incorrect (part 3 also seems to include part of part 2, etc.). The atmosphere as given reflects the typical atmosphere at such a clinic, which is rather chaotic at times:

    Part 3 (3h 35'):

    Part 2 (1h 50'):

    Part 1 (3h 11'):

    Last edited by Cichorei Kano on Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:35 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 377
    Join date : 2012-12-30

    IJF Refereeing Seminar Malaga (Spain) 2014 - Video Recording Empty Re: IJF Refereeing Seminar Malaga (Spain) 2014 - Video Recording

    Post by afulldeck Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:16 am

    I haven't reviewed these videos, but when I did see them early this morning and my first thought was "damn...7 hours of rules.....how can it be so complicated?" Now before I put my foot further in my mouth, I'll take some time in the next few weeks to review.

    Posts : 24
    Join date : 2013-02-16

    IJF Refereeing Seminar Malaga (Spain) 2014 - Video Recording Empty Re: IJF Refereeing Seminar Malaga (Spain) 2014 - Video Recording

    Post by judoclimber Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:04 pm

    on another forum this guy who i think represents 'orange county judo club' has written some pretty significant statements in relation to thise vids:

    "The IJF has recorded the Referee Seminars on the New Rules taking place yesterday and today in Malaga Spain. They are available on YouTube. I have only had time to watch the first 15 minutes of the first part.

    There were two changes in interpretation that will matter a lot.

    a) Previously, it was osaekomi that was allowed to continue outside of the border. Now, if a player starts a choke or armlock inside the contest area and then they roll out and it looks like they can progress to finish the armlock or choke, they will allow it to continue the same as osaekomi.

    b) Lifting your opponent's shoulders off the mat while they are applying an armlock or choke will no longer get an automatic mate. If the choke or armlock is tight and it looks like the attack will finish the opponent it will be allowed to go on. If there is no progress, obviously they will call the mate. You can no longer get saved simply by lifting your opponent off the mat."

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