Thought we might have a bit of an introductory post for those of us who have made the jump from the old forum. I thought it might be interesting to tell how we found this wonderfull art and how long we have been practicing. I found Judo three years ago as it was another style offered at the dojo I attended for my striking style. I figured I would give grappling a look as my striking style had very little in the way of throws or groundwork. I was hooked from the first class. As an older player (40), I find that this art is so much better suited to me personally than my striking style! Jump spinning kicks don't go well with older hips and knees, but grappling feels natural. I enjoy the grappling so much that I have taken a break from my striking style to add more grappling classes in. As the Judo club meets only 2x a week, I have added 2 BJJ classes in as well and have found that they compliment each other nicely. My oldest son (soon to be has been attending Judo with me for the last year and loves it as well. So how about you guys? What led you to this art?