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    Gonosen-no-kata - White / Mower


    Posts : 1070
    Join date : 2013-01-02

    Gonosen-no-kata - White / Mower Empty Gonosen-no-kata - White / Mower

    Post by Jonesy Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:56 pm

    In this BJC(MAC) adaptation of the Gonosen-no-kata Bob White is Tori and Len Mower is Uke. The Video Editing is by David Gray, Technical Advisement from Bill Wood.

    Gonosen-no-kata - White / Mower

    I am afraid I do not know the precise year this demonstration is from though it would not be unreasonable to assume though that it was filmed at the same time as the Nage-no-kata rendition by Bill Wood-sensei shown elsewhere on this Forum. In that demonstration, Wood-sensei is wearing a kohaku obi. Wood-sensei was promoted to 6 dan in 1976 and died in 2006, so it is somewhere in that interval. Looking at the hairstyles, decor and quality of recording I would guess it is towards the begining of the interval 1976-2006, rather than the end.

      Current date/time is Fri Nov 08, 2024 11:24 pm