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    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany


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    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Empty Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany

    Post by noboru Sat Jun 28, 2014 1:48 am

    I collected the informations about Kitayama Junyu at website http://www.kitayama-junyu.info.

    Junyu Kitayama ( japanese: 北山淳友 ) ( * January 29, 1902 in Yaizu (Japan, Shizuoka Prefecture), † January 19, 1962 in Prague) was a japanese professor with a doctorate of philosophy, linguist, metaphysical humanist, buddhist monk of The Pure Land School ( Jōdo-shū 浄土宗 ), writer, translator and teacher judo and japan language. He spent most of his life outside of Japan (in Germany and Czechoslovakia). wrote:

    He lived in Germany between years 1925-1944. I have informations about his work there as writer (he wrote lot of germans books about japanese history, peoples, minds, kultur and religions), japan language teacher, chief of Japan institute in Berlin . From year 1947-1962 he teached judo some peoples in the Czechoslowakia. He wrote some books about judo.

    So in my research I have only one information (quote in below) about his judo studying, teachings in Germany between years (1925-1944). If you have some informations or know the some sources please give me know.

    It is from Alfred Rhode from text „DER BEITRAG DES JUDO ZUR ERZIEHUNG" from August 1932
    "Vor Beginn seiner ersten internationalen Judo-Sommerschule vom 7.-12. August 1932 setzte sich Alfred Rhode mit dem Gründer des Kodokan in Tokio, Herrn Professor Jigoro Kano, in Verbindung. Er teilte ihm mit, dass er beabsichtige, die Technik des europäischen Judo durch die Schaffung dieser jährlich im Sommer abgehaltenen Lehrgänge zu fördern, zu denen er auch japanische Lehrer wie Koizumi, Tarn, Ishiguro, Dr. Kitabatake, Otani, Dr. Kitayama und Hano Rhi einzuladen gedenke. Er bat ihn, seine Grundsätze und Gedanken über Judo schriftlich darzulegen, um in diesem Sinne die Lehrgänge durchzuführen. Herr Professor Kano sandte ihm daraufhin den nachfolgenden Beitrag, der die Grundzüge des Judo so anschaulich darstellt, dass man sie gut und gerne als einen philosophischen Lebensleitfaden bezeichnen kann." wrote:

    Thank you a lot for your help.

    Posts : 184
    Join date : 2013-01-22

    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Empty Re: Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany

    Post by wdax Sat Jun 28, 2014 2:18 am

    I do not know a single source, in which his name was mentioned - beside the one you quoted. As far as I could see, he lived in Hessen (Frankfurt, Marburg). Hessen was an center of Judo in those days (1925-WW2), but I could not find anything about him. Maybe you contact the 1. Deutschen Judo-Club Frankfurt (http://1djc.de).
    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

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    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Empty Re: Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany

    Post by Cichorei Kano Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:01 am

    wdax wrote:I do not know a single source, in which his name was mentioned - beside the one you quoted. As far as I could see, he lived in Hessen (Frankfurt, Marburg). Hessen was an center of Judo in those days (1925-WW2), but I could not find anything about him. Maybe you contact the 1. Deutschen Judo-Club Frankfurt (http://1djc.de).

    If memory serves me well, the name pops up in relation to the place where Kanô was staying when residing in Berlin, which also happened to be very closely located to one of the train stations and to the East-Asia Institute of the University of Berlin. When one starts digging there, using just the Internet, all kinds of names of people pop up who all must have known each other. There seems to have been quite an exchange of knowledge that went on. As I recall, the lady that was running the place where Kanô stayed had a certain fondness for Japanese people so many stayed there. I came across much of that stuff a while ago when we were discussing to what extent Kanô himsellf might have spoken German or not. I may not have posted all those links on here as much of that information --though very interesting-- was too tangential to the thread we were discussing then.

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    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Empty Re: Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany

    Post by wdax Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:41 am

    Cichorei Kano wrote:(...) As I recall, the lady that was running the place where Kanô stayed had a certain fondness for Japanese people so many stayed there. (...)
    The only lady I know where Kano was residing in Berlin was on his trip 1889/90. Kitayama Junju was born in 1902. But that does not mean that they did not meet later in Berlin, f.ex. 1933 or 1936.
    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

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    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Empty Re: Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany

    Post by Cichorei Kano Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:06 am

    wdax wrote:
    Cichorei Kano wrote:(...) As I recall, the lady that was running the place where Kanô stayed had a certain fondness for Japanese people so many stayed there. (...)
    The only lady I know where Kano was residing in Berlin was on his trip 1889/90. Kitayama Junju was born in 1902. But that does not mean that they did not meet later in Berlin, f.ex. 1933 or 1936.

    You're right wdax. Slipped my mind.

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    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Empty more information about Kitayama

    Post by noboru Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:21 am

    Thank you, for link to  1. Deutschen Judo-Club Frankfurt, I sent them the request about informations... We will see.

    Kitayama Junyu was a son of buddhist priest ( The Pure Land School ( Jōdo-shū 浄土宗 )) from 教念寺 Kyonen-ji shrine in Yaizu city, prefecture Shizuoka, Japan. His grandfather was kenshi (swordsman), Kitayama Junyu had some level of knowledges of using japanese sword. Some information he wrote in his books and later in Czechoslowakia he learned some of his judo pupils some basics of kenjutsu... we dont know more.

    Kitayama Junyu graduated (high school) in 1921 in Shizuoka. Between years 1921 1924 he studied in private buddhist university Shūkyō daigaku 宗教大学 in Tokio (in the year 1926 this school was joined with other schools and used the new name Taisho university - 大正大学, Taishō daigaku). In this time was normal, that young talented japanese students continued his studying in european universities.
    Junyu Kitayama continued his studying of western philosophy from year 1924  in Germany. (1924-1927 in university Freiburg (teacher Edmund Husserl), 1927-1931 University Heidelberg (teacher Karl Jaspers) - finished his study as Doctor of Philosophy. Between years 1929-1936 he lead seminars (Japanese poetry, Japanese buddhism, Japan language) in University in Frankfurt and partialy in Marburg. From 1936-1944 works in Japan Institute in Berlin.

    Kitayama started learn/practice judo in Shizuoka / may be in Tokio. We dont know more. We can suppose, that he continued practice/teach judo in Germany....

    About Jigoro Kano and his german speaking. The Jigoro Kano visited the Prague (Czechoslowakia, Europe) during his way to Olympic games 1936 to Berlin. He started the new school year in university in judo/jiujitsu class. He did the lecture and practice session of judo. His lecture was in German language - we have the czech translation and it is the same speech as he did during Olympic games 1932 in Los Angeles.

    Here is one photo from his visit in Prague in the year 1936
    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  75_let_juda_v_cr_pict02
    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

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    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Empty Re: Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany

    Post by Cichorei Kano Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:04 am

    noboru wrote:
    About Jigoro Kano and his german speaking. His lecture was in German language - we have the czech translation and it is the same speech as he did during Olympic games 1932 in Los Angeles.

    Sure, but as I have said previously, that doesn't mean much. I too can hold lectures in many languages I don't speak a work of as long as it is properly translated and I can more or less accurately pronoucne the language. I would not be very eager to try holding a lecture in Czech, but I would not hesitate to hold one in Spanish or in Portuguese or in Swedish and I speak neither of these languages.

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    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Empty Re: Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany

    Post by noboru Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:56 am

    wdax wrote:I do not know a single source, in which his name was mentioned - beside the one you quoted.

    Here is link to document.
    „DER BEITRAG DES JUDO ZUR ERZIEHUNG" Von Exzellenz Professor Jigoro Kano
    (Mitglied des japanischen Oberhauses, Präsident und Gründer des Kodokan, Ehrenpräsident und Gründer der Japanischen Athleten-Association und Präsident des Nationalen Olympischen Komitees von Japan.)


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    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Empty Junyu Kitayama on the photo from judo camp in Petersburg ( Sowiet union ) . year 1951

    Post by noboru Mon Nov 17, 2014 1:14 am

    Here is one photo with czechoslovak judokas. It is from year 1951 from judo camp in Petersburg ( Sowiet union ). Junyu Kitayama is right near the center in the photo. He stands, has small posture and hand in hand.

    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Petrohrad1951

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    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Empty Junyu Kitayama - some his books in german language

    Post by noboru Mon Nov 17, 2014 2:45 am

    All are scans of his books to pdf:

    Junyu Kitayama, Der Geist des japanischen Rittertums, Japanische Kulturserie 1
    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  DerGeist
    Link: http://www.ulozto.cz/xhnGqef/dergeistdesjapanischenrittertums-junyukitayama-pdf

    Junyu Kitayama, Der Shintoismus. Die Nationalreligion Japans., Japanische Kulturserie 2
    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Shintoismus
    Link: http://www.ulozto.cz/xUzE3V1/dershintoismus-junyukitayama-pdf
    Junyu Kitayama, Heiligung des Staates und Verklärung des Menschen. Buddhismus und Japan., Japanische Kulturserie 3
    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Heiligung

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    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Empty Re: Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany

    Post by finarashi Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:56 am

    Reading book "My turbulent life in a turbulent century" by Matsumae Shigeyoshi (1901 -1991), Tokyo, Japan, Tokai University Press, 1982, 241p, HB, ISBN 4486006887.

    In his memoirs Matsumae discusses time spent in Germany during 1932 to 1933 discussing also state of Judo in Germany and spreading of Judo in Germany. He states haveing been present in 1933? visit of Kano to Berlin? and in p. 82 states "He was excellent at languages with a fluent command of German, and was able to deliver all his lectures and explanations with almost no need for interpretation." He beeing Kano.
    Sorry for the big font, don't know how I managed that

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    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Empty Kitayama Junyu on the photo with judoka's from Frankfurt (Germany) - year 1934

    Post by noboru Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:43 pm

    today I found a photo of the 1934 judoka's from Frankfurt (Germany). If I'm right, so in the middle with black hair and a white belt sits Junyu Kitayama (left of the Alfred Rhode - to his right).

    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Gruppenbild1934

    Source: http://www.1djc.de/judobilder1952.html

    Can anyone confirm this? Or do you have more information about it and its exercise judo in Germany?

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    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Empty Frankfurter (Germany) judo summer camp 1933

    Post by noboru Fri Dec 08, 2017 1:47 am

    I found  old photo from Frankfurter (Germany) judo summer camp 1933 on FCB group British judo history. There is second from left Kitayama Junyu too.

    Dr.Rhi, Dr. Kitayama Junyu, Masutaro Otani with Yukio Otani, unknown lady x and Gunji Koizumi, unknown lady y.

    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Kitaya10
    Kitayama Junyu 北山淳友 and judo in Germany  Kitaya11

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