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Judo network and forum

    The Kano Society


    Posts : 839
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    The Kano Society Empty The Kano Society

    Post by noboru Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:40 am

    The Kano Society

    The Kano Society was formally set up on 23rd of January 2000. The founder members of the Society had long felt a dissatisfaction with the current state of Judo and some of the international contest rules and sought to return to and promote the style of Judo that was prevalent in the past.

    We have called this ‘Traditional Judo’.

    The Kano Society seeks to maintain close links with the Kodokan in Japan, the original home of Judo. The Society has no intention to supplant any governing body of Judo. It is democratically constituted and all Judoka may apply to join.

    Traditional Judo

    Principles of Judo
    The Kano Society believe that Judo should be viewed as more than just a sport. It should adhere to the principles laid down by Judo’s founder Jigoro Kano

    · Good use of mind and body (seiryoku zenyo),

    · Mutual welfare and benefit (jita kyoei)

    and it should have moral and educational benefits. Trevor Leggett described this as ‘A training for life’. Thus in applying Judo principles to everyday life the Judoka is enabled to achieve balance and self mastery. A spirit of generosity and mutual assistance is integral to traditional Judo.

    Study of Judo

    In addition to randori and contest training other areas of Judo should be adequately studied. Kata is an essential part of traditional Judo as is the preservation of Japanese terminology and etiquette including correct bowing and the use of white judogi. Judoka should work on the whole range of Judo techniques including ukemi and avoid specialized study of a limited repertoire. The gokyo should be taught and studied and there is also a place for regulated study of specialist areas such as katsu, atemiwaza, kansetsuwaza (other than those already allowed in competition) and self-defence techniques.

    Practice of Judo

    Randori is the cornerstone of Judo practice. We support intensive training and believe that randori should be its main component involving upright Judo (shizentai) and practice which aims to throw cleanly for ippon. We deprecate over-reliance on bent posture (jigotai) and such techniques as leg grabs and holds which pull the opponent down into a crouch as being detrimental to good Judo practice. The aim is injury-free Judo especially between higher and lower grades and between stronger and weaker people

    Shiai – contest- is an important aspect of training. We support experimentation with the contest rules to discover a formula for clean upright Judo.

    Kangeiko (the winter training period) has a valuable role.

    Do you know this organisation/group?
    They released some information in their Bulletines - is possible for download  http://www.kanosociety.org/Bulletins/bulletin.htm

    Posts : 839
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    The Kano Society Empty member of Kano Society

    Post by noboru Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:25 pm

    Is someone of this forum the member of Kano Society? I would ask you about Kano Society. If you want, we can use PM for communication.

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 11, 2024 3:38 am