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    Ude hishigi ude gatame


    Posts : 840
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Ude hishigi ude gatame Empty Ude hishigi ude gatame

    Post by noboru Sat Sep 27, 2014 1:56 am

    Very nice video about Ude hishigi ude gatame - at the start is this technique from some executions of Katame no kata and next are more executions of this technique in short clips from different shiais.
    The executing from TachiWaza is very interesting in these shiai clips...
    柔道:腕挫腕固 - JUDO UDE-GATAME

    next nice demonstrations videos:
    Isao okano - Ude Gatame

    Judo - Udegatame from Kodokan VHS film

    Posts : 121
    Join date : 2013-01-16

    Ude hishigi ude gatame Empty Re: Ude hishigi ude gatame

    Post by Fritz Sat Sep 27, 2014 4:15 am

    noboru wrote:at the start is this technique from some executions of Katame no kata
    Hmm, in the descriptions of katame-no-kata always i read, that there have to be at least one defense action
    of Uke, but i miss this in the examples of the first clip...

    Posts : 840
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Ude hishigi ude gatame Empty KATAME-NO-KATA - Ude hishigi ude gatame - no attempt to escape of uke

    Post by noboru Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:33 am

    Fritz wrote:
    Hmm, in the descriptions of katame-no-kata always i read, that there have to be at least one defense action
    of Uke, but i miss this in the examples of the first clip...  

    Yes, I agree with you. I did not see the defense action.

    Kodokan Judo: KATAME-NO-KATA from 43:00 - the uke first movement is 43:08, next 43:24 - he tries to catch tori . Tori executed the Ude hishigi ude gatame and after is small movement (turning body and feet moved just the little bit -  43:10, 43:26 - foot is propped on the tatami) of uke. I think that it is a hint attempt to escape.

    For example:
    Here is english part description from Dutch General Informations to Katame no kata ( http://www.jbn-zuidnederland.nl/judo/nieuws/181/katame%20no%20kata[1].pdf )  

    2. Tori straightens up a bit, to stretche out Uke's arm, and brings Uke's trapped arm in an upward scooping motion as Tori twists slightly to the left to apply the arm lock.
    3. Uke tries to escape by at least 1 method.
    For Example:
    #1 Uke tries to pull his left arm downward by moving in toward Tori and twisting to the left.

    4. Unable to escape, Uke signals defeat.
    Ben Reinhardt
    Ben Reinhardt

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    Location : Bonners Ferry, Idaho, USA

    Ude hishigi ude gatame Empty Re: Ude hishigi ude gatame

    Post by Ben Reinhardt Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:53 am

    Considering that the technique is already "on" it's kind of hard to make any escape actions...

    Posts : 184
    Join date : 2013-01-22

    Ude hishigi ude gatame Empty Re: Ude hishigi ude gatame

    Post by wdax Sat Sep 27, 2014 8:06 am

    Ben Reinhardt wrote:Considering that the technique is already "on" it's kind of hard to make any escape actions...

    But the defense is clearly there. The story is as follows.

    The moment Tori grabs Uke´s ellbow, Uke pulls down and bends his elbow. Tori does not really allow this and to counter it, Tori turns Uke´s elbow counterclockwise and stretches Uke´s arm against Uke´s resistance. The pulling down action is considered the attack of Uke (but of course it is also a defense against Ude-gatame), the resistance against turning the elbow is a clear defense.

    In a follow-up move Uke tries to follow the armlock and turns on his right side and f.ex. eventually disturbing Tori´s balance, but Tori blocks this movement with his right knee against Uke´s abdomen.

    Please look carefully!

    Posts : 203
    Join date : 2013-01-21

    Ude hishigi ude gatame Empty Re: Ude hishigi ude gatame

    Post by Emanuele2 Fri May 17, 2019 7:44 am

    noboru wrote:Very nice video about Ude hishigi ude gatame - at the start is this technique from some executions of Katame no kata and next are more executions of this technique in short clips from different shiais.
    The executing from TachiWaza is very interesting in these shiai clips...
    柔道:腕挫腕固 - JUDO UDE-GATAME

    next nice demonstrations videos:
    Isao okano - Ude Gatame

    Judo - Udegatame from Kodokan VHS film
    Sorry for my necroposting; but to avoid to make a double thread I searched before.

    In judo I see ude hishigi ude gatame performed like in these videos, with tori who pushes with both hands on uke elbow.
    In Japanese ju jitsu I always seen ude gatame performed with tori entangling with his arm uke's arm, just like this.
    What's the difference?

    Posts : 203
    Join date : 2013-01-21

    Ude hishigi ude gatame Empty Re: Ude hishigi ude gatame

    Post by Emanuele2 Sun May 19, 2019 7:44 pm

    Emanuele2 wrote:What's the difference?
    I discovered that the ju jitsu armbar (tori entangling uke's arm) in judo is considered just another way to do ude garami, so a variation.

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2019-04-10

    Ude hishigi ude gatame Empty Re: Ude hishigi ude gatame

    Post by NBK2 Tue May 21, 2019 6:04 pm

    it's hard to 'push' ude garami - tori pulls uke's elbow with the arm turned to the correct rotation.

    The 'telltale' is uke's little finger - usually the force is 90° to the anterior side of the elbow, on or just above (i.e., towards the shoulder) the elbow, while the opposite force is applied to the forearm.

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