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    3x S. Nagaoka Books from 1930, 1xMifune book and "the bible of woman judo" from Noritomi Masako to sell on ebay


    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2013-02-01
    Location : Dresden

    3x S. Nagaoka Books from 1930, 1xMifune book and "the bible of woman judo"  from Noritomi Masako to sell on ebay    Empty 3x S. Nagaoka Books from 1930, 1xMifune book and "the bible of woman judo" from Noritomi Masako to sell on ebay

    Post by judoplayer Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:36 pm

    I sell 5 extremely rar judo books on ebay:

    1. Saishin Judo Kyhon part 1-3  from Shuichi Nagaoka (10. Dan), Takeshi Sakuraba (9. Dan), Dated 1930

    Part 1 :
    Saishin Judo Kyhon 1

    Part 2:
    Saishin Judo Kyhon  2

    Part 3:
    Saishin Judo Kyhon 3

    Part 3 includes the most detailed and very first  description (with many pictures) about "kime-no-kata" and "Seiryoku Zen'yō Kokumin Taiiku".

    2. Kyūzō Mifune BOOK: Jūdō ichiro (柔道一路), Dated 1955
    Link: Judo Ichiro

    3. "the bible of woman judo" Joshi jūdō kyōhon from Masako Noritomi, Dated 1972
    Link: Joshi judo kyohon

    This book has a section about woman self-defence "Joshi goshinhō".  

    Thank you.

      Current date/time is Wed Dec 04, 2024 11:05 am