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    Kodokan Visit - June 2015

    Richard Riehle

    Posts : 79
    Join date : 2013-06-22
    Location : California

    Kodokan Visit - June 2015 Empty Kodokan Visit - June 2015

    Post by Richard Riehle Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:03 pm

    I am organizing a group visit to the Kodokan for the last two weeks of June 2015. If you are interested, please let me know.
    You may send me email: laoxiaohai@juno.com

    The group will be limited to 10 or 15 people. Minimum requirements: 18 years old or older. Rank of Sankyu or higher.

    You really need to be prepared to take a lot of falls.

    I will be reserving lodging for the members of the group in the Kodokan dormitory. There is a male dorm and a female dorm. You may be either gender. The rate for staying in the dorm is about $20 per night.

    I have a travel agent (a Judo Rokudan) who will be handling the air-fares. He will do his best to get the lowest cost air fare, based on the going rate at the time he books each flight.

    The Kodokan is in Bunkyo-ku neighborhood of Tokyo. There a lot of great things to do during the free time. I will provide a detailed write-up to anyone who is serious about joining us.

    If you prefer to stay at a hotel, there are several available within walking distance. The daily rate for an ordinary hotel will be five or fifteen times the rate for the Kodokan dormitory.

    Please let me know if you or someone you know is interested in this adventure.

    Richard Riehle, PhD
    NPS Judo Club

    Posts : 806
    Join date : 2012-12-28
    Location : Vista, California

    Kodokan Visit - June 2015 Empty Re: Kodokan Visit - June 2015

    Post by BillC Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:15 pm

    Richard Riehle wrote: You may be either gender.

    Thanks, but I think I will keep the gender assigned to me at conception. Appreciate the offer, however. You NorCal types are very accommodating.

    Rolling Eyes

    Just curious ... why don't you wait just a couple weeks later and attend the summer kata course?
    Richard Riehle

    Posts : 79
    Join date : 2013-06-22
    Location : California

    Kodokan Visit - June 2015 Empty Re: Kodokan Visit - June 2015

    Post by Richard Riehle Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:35 pm

    BillC wrote:
    Richard Riehle wrote: You may be either gender.

    Thanks, but I think I will keep the gender assigned to me at conception.  Appreciate the offer, however.  You NorCal types are very accommodating.

    Rolling Eyes

    Just curious ... why don't you wait just a couple weeks later and attend the summer kata course?
    No Bill. You, and only you, are required to change gender to attend.

    Kata course would be great, but getting dormitory accommodations is more difficult.

    Also, I have other commitments during July.


    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Kodokan Visit - June 2015 Empty Re: Kodokan Visit - June 2015

    Post by NBK Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:53 pm

    There are cheap accommodations in Tokyo - small business hotels and such. Safe and clean, and not dorms for those interested in the kata course.

    And Billc beat my wisecrack by a nose...

    Posts : 806
    Join date : 2012-12-28
    Location : Vista, California

    Kodokan Visit - June 2015 Empty Re: Kodokan Visit - June 2015

    Post by BillC Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:17 pm

    Richard ... while we have you on the line ... when will you be posted beefcake photos of your surgical scar?

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