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    Kodokan teaching staff salary

    forgeron judo
    forgeron judo

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    Kodokan teaching staff salary Empty Kodokan teaching staff salary

    Post by forgeron judo Fri May 08, 2015 2:53 am

    Does anyone know the salary of Kodokan high Dan teachers salary? Are they paid by hours, courses or annual salary? What other renumerations are given to different staff. Are there public records of the financial arrangements?

    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Kodokan teaching staff salary Empty Re: Kodokan teaching staff salary

    Post by NBK Fri May 08, 2015 11:17 pm

    I've never seen more than top level budget figures for the NPO. I believe without much data the salaries are tiered - there are a number of professional, full time staff, planners and admin staff, the International Division, etc., then instructors that just show up to teach, probably part time or hourly. A good number of top level, former university instructors and such that teach after they've retired from their prior posts. Some retired police / Tokyo Metropolitan Police, etc.

    One suspects the renumeration is modest. They're there for love of judo and the prestige.
    forgeron judo
    forgeron judo

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    Kodokan teaching staff salary Empty Re: Kodokan teaching staff salary

    Post by forgeron judo Fri May 08, 2015 11:26 pm

    A good assumption,thanks

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    Kodokan teaching staff salary Empty Re: Kodokan teaching staff salary

    Post by Jonesy Sun May 10, 2015 4:40 am

    Why do you want to know? The Kodokan is a private dojo so no reason at all for salaries to be public?
    forgeron judo
    forgeron judo

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    Kodokan teaching staff salary Empty Re: Kodokan teaching staff salary

    Post by forgeron judo Sun May 10, 2015 8:22 am

    Curiosity mosty as I noted different teachers from different schools awarded leadership of summer school programs at the Kodokan. There are all good mind you. If the reward system is keep private, that is ok too. When we observe the salary afforded to foreign coaches and teachers, we are bound to query what makes it so special to be recognized Kodokan permanent or semi permanent staff members. I am all for proper recognition mind you, especially the senior high Dan of Kodokan. They are all outstanding.

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    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Kodokan teaching staff salary Empty Re: Kodokan teaching staff salary

    Post by NBK Sun May 10, 2015 11:04 am

    One thing that most folks probably don't realize is the weekend demands on instructors and staff. There is something going on most every weekend at the Kodokan, or if not that, or simultaneously with events in the facility, some teaching event, seminar, coordination meeting, etc. someplace in Japan, or even overseas.

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    Kodokan teaching staff salary Empty Re: Kodokan teaching staff salary

    Post by Jonesy Sun May 10, 2015 6:25 pm

    forgeron judo wrote:Curiosity mosty as I noted different teachers from different schools awarded leadership of summer school programs at the Kodokan. There are all good mind you. If the reward system is keep private, that is ok too. When we observe the salary afforded to foreign coaches and teachers, we are bound to query what makes it so special to be recognized Kodokan permanent or semi permanent staff members. I am all for proper recognition mind you, especially the senior high Dan of Kodokan. They are all outstanding.
    I certainly believe that when Kodokan instructors travel overseas for seminars it is pretty much on an "all expenses covered" basis and this is how exactly it should be.

    In my experience, judoka, certainly in the UK, are a pretty parsimonious bunch - unwilling to put their hands in their pockets for anything. BJJ players in particular are willing to pay high fees for regular class, high fees for fees, high entry fees for competition, etc etc. UK judo is a poverty trap. It is not like this everywhere. But I digress.....

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    Kodokan teaching staff salary Empty Re: Kodokan teaching staff salary

    Post by jkw Mon May 11, 2015 12:33 am

    Jonesy wrote:In my experience, judoka, certainly in the UK, are a pretty parsimonious bunch - unwilling to put their hands in their pockets for anything.  BJJ players in particular are willing to pay high fees for regular class, high fees for fees, high entry fees for competition, etc etc.  UK judo is a poverty trap.

    This is true - when I moved to the UK I was amazed at how cheap training was. Often just spare change for each class. I was also surprised to find fees collected by a volunteer at the door.

    In New York training costs were much more on par with BJJ. Switzerland was quite reasonable, but they enjoyed heavy local state subsidies. In Japan I mostly trained as a guest of friends or contacts, so did not pay formal dues.
    john newman
    john newman

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    Kodokan teaching staff salary Empty Re: Kodokan teaching staff salary

    Post by john newman Thu Dec 31, 2020 5:17 am

    As there are different have different words but in accord of U.S. Department of Education Kudoken teachers are equal as other subject teachers. They will get the same remuneration.


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