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    Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger


    Posts : 839
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    Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger Empty Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger

    Post by noboru Tue May 12, 2015 10:34 pm

    Célébration en l'honneur de Me Pascal Krieger SDK
    Film présenté le 17 avril 2015 lors de la célébration en l'honneur de Me Pascal Krieger pour ses 49 ans de pratique et 44 ans d'enseignement au Shung Do Kwan Budo d'arts martiaux japonais.

    Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger SDK
    Film presented April 17, 2015 during the celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger for his 49 years of practice and 44 years of teaching at Shung Do Kwan Budo Japanese martial arts.

    0:00 -  Introduction, interview
    2:53 -  Stuff - Shindo Muso ryu
    8:27 -  Judo - sensei Krieger practices only Newaza in this time - he has problems with knees
    13:40 -  Sword - iai (Muso Shinden ryu), kenjutsu (???)
    19:27 - japanese caligraphy (Shodo)

    About him from FEJ (Federation European Jodo) website: http://www.fej.ch/en/tea-pkrieger.htm
    FEJ website wrote:In 1963 (October), he enters the Montreux Judo Club and starts training in Judo. In 1966, he moves to Geneva and enters the Shung Dô Kwan, one of the outstanding martial arts club of the city. He obtains his 1st degree black belt in Judo just before leaving, by boat, for Japan. He stays there during two years during which he meets Donn F. Draeger Sensei who introduces him to Shimizu Takaji Sensei, Headmaster of Shintô Musô Ryû, in March 1969, as well as to Kuroda Ichitarô Sensei at the same period. As from that time, Pascal Krieger trains in Judo at the Kôdôkan, in Jôdô at the Rembukan with Shimizu Sensei, and in Iaidô and Shodô (calligraphy) in Ôji with Kuroda Sensei. In order to survive, Pascal teaches French and English a few hours a day.

    FEJ website wrote:Draeger Sensei requests him to go to Chicago, USA, to take the direction of the production of a Judô magazine Judo Illustrated in which he writes very appreciated Budô articles. It is a rather uncommon professional experience. Pascal follows all the national Judo championships, camera in one hand and pen in the other in order to write articles which he gets edited by a native speaker editor. Then he does the composition on an early IBM typewriter, lays out the material and even prints the magazine on a brand new ABDick. At the same time he practises Judô at the Uptown Dôjô. For Jô practice, he goes down the State of Illinois to Peoria to train with Relnick Sensei who is working in this city.

    FEJ website wrote:During his stay in Hong Kong, Pascal trains Judô with a Japanese wrestler, friend of Draeger Sensei, on King Edward Road. He also teaches Jô to Stephen Hua, a former disciple of Donn Draeger and Taichi teacher.

    FEJ website wrote:During this second stay in Japan, Pascal is promoted Nidan and Sandan in Judô, Oku-iri and Yodan in Jô (Nidan in the Kendo Renmei for Seiteigata) and Sandan in Iaidô and Shodô. Concerning Jôdô, Pascal trains very regularly with Shimizu Sensei’s top students, Kaminoda Sensei, Hiroi Sensei, Yoneno Sensei and Nishioka Sensei. He also often practises with his Sempai, Mr. Osato, Mr. Furukawa, Mr. Kobayashi and Mr. Matsumura to list a few.

    FEJ website wrote:In August 1976, Pascal Krieger establishes himself in Geneva again and joins the Shung Dô Kwan with which he had kept a close relationship. Soon afterwards, he starts teaching regularly Judô, Jôdô, Iaidô and Shodô.

    FEJ website wrote: he is promoted Yodan in Judô by Mikami Sensei and Kondo Sensei.

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2015-02-22

    Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger Empty Re: Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger

    Post by hironed Thu May 21, 2015 7:30 am

    I knew Pascal as a training partner and friend at the Kodokan in 75-76. I didn't know "the rest of the story" about his life and budo studies which is very impressive. Glad to see that he is still active at 70 years of age. I have great respect for Pascal.

    Posts : 839
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger Empty book Pascal Krieger, Jôdô la voie du batôn/ the way of the stick

    Post by noboru Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:41 am

    Pascal Krieger, Jôdô la voie du batôn/ the way of the stick
    Link to pdf book is here http://www.mediafire.com/?oh0ncxmmgzj and it is oficial from FEI pages http://www.fej.ch/en/news.htm

    Posts : 839
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    Age : 46
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    Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger Empty Donn Draeger with Kazuo Itó during practice selfdefence

    Post by noboru Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:15 pm

    In the book Jôdô la voie du batôn/ the way of the stick from Pascal Krieger i a lot of interesting photos.

    Here is one of them Donn Draeger with Kazuo Itó during practice selfdefence (it looks like technique from judo Goshin jutsu)


    Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger Draege10

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    Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger Empty Re: Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger

    Post by Hissho Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:16 am

    Krieger sensei is the "grand teacher" at our dojo. He's visited to teach jo and judo and according to the folks who took the training was quite strong in newaza.

    We have two kakemono of his calligraphy hanging in the dojo. It's like living history.

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    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger Empty calligraphies from PK

    Post by noboru Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:04 pm

    I belive you.
    Our small dojo received his two calligraphies too before two weeks. Their themes are Jundô Seishô 順道 制勝 and Renshinkai júdó dójó 錬真会 柔道 々場 , they are very nice.

    Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger KdCelebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger Kr

    Posts : 839
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    Age : 46
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    Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger Empty Jûyoku, Gô wo Sei suru

    Post by noboru Thu Jan 26, 2017 9:15 pm

    I found next very nice Pascal Kriegers' calligraphy with judo theme - Jûyoku, Gô wo Sei suru - "be conscious of your suppleness and you will control your strength" or "the ability of being supple generates power"

    Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger 3_calligraphie

    Source: Shunk do kwan https://sdkbudo.ch/section-jjb-geneve.php

    Interesting - he uses this motto in his jodo teaching too - from their event Kagami Biraki 2012 - http://www.fej.ch/en/records2/KB12.htm

    Posts : 839
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger Empty Re: Celebration in honor of Mr. Pascal Krieger

    Post by noboru Mon Jan 24, 2022 7:10 pm

    I have received information that there is a website where it is possible to order calligraphy created by Pascal Krieger. The website is said to have been created by his students. There is a form for choice of size, style and calligraphy theme, as well as payment information for the service.


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