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    Katame-no-kata - All Japan Kata Championships 2014 - Nakayama / Haayashi


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    Join date : 2013-01-02

    Katame-no-kata - All Japan Kata Championships 2014 - Nakayama / Haayashi Empty Katame-no-kata - All Japan Kata Championships 2014 - Nakayama / Haayashi

    Post by Jonesy Sun May 17, 2015 6:00 pm

    (Thanks to noboru)

    中山(Nakayama)ー林(Hayashi)組 The winning pair in the  Katame-no-Kata at the All Japan Kata Championships, 2014.


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    Join date : 2015-06-02
    Age : 59
    Location : The Great White North

    Katame-no-kata - All Japan Kata Championships 2014 - Nakayama / Haayashi Empty Re: Katame-no-kata - All Japan Kata Championships 2014 - Nakayama / Haayashi

    Post by Y-Chromosome Tue May 31, 2016 9:23 am

    Could someone explain what is going on in the kuzure-kami-shiho section?
    This sequence seems to be in vogue now, but I'm not sure I understand it.  I see that uke is attempting to twist and distance themselves from tori but I don't understand how tori's reaction of sitting through into a kesa-like position helps.  Nor do I see how that reaction from tori leads into uke's second attempt.
    Can someone shed some light on this?
    I have to admit that of all the sequences in katame no, the kuzure-kami-shiho seems to always be the least clear and satisfactory to me.

    Posts : 184
    Join date : 2013-01-22

    Katame-no-kata - All Japan Kata Championships 2014 - Nakayama / Haayashi Empty Re: Katame-no-kata - All Japan Kata Championships 2014 - Nakayama / Haayashi

    Post by wdax Tue May 31, 2016 4:40 pm

    Most of it can only be seen from the opposite direction.

    1. Uke: brings his body in line with Tori´s body and pushes Tori´s right knee to the rear (in Uke´s overhead-direction) and twists his body to the left and pushes with his left hand against Tori´s neck in order to roll Tori to the right.
    ---> Tori: draws back his right leg and switches to kesa-gatame-position, using his left leg to avoid being side-rolled. Doing this he cannot avoid lifting his head a little bit.

    2. Uke: realizes, that he cannot roll Tori, so he tries to twist under Tori´s body. So he changes the position of his left hand, which was pushing against Tori´s neck, and brings it under Tori´s throat trying to create more space between him and Tori, still twisting his body to the right, but - that´s the difference - not trying to roll with Tori, but under him.
    ---> Tori: switches his feet again, holding his head down and moving a little bit to the right to block Uke´s twisting motion.

    3. Uke: realizes, that he will fail, so he tries to utilize Tori´s blocking action. He changes the grip of the left hand again and tries to pull Tori to the left and roll him over.

    Please watch carefully Uke´s left hand. Then you can see the different attempts.


    From 8:30 it ist explained, but the first escape (rolling ist only shown once - a problem of coordination of explanation and demonstration, when one is speaking in a foraign language....).

    Posts : 200
    Join date : 2015-06-02
    Age : 59
    Location : The Great White North

    Katame-no-kata - All Japan Kata Championships 2014 - Nakayama / Haayashi Empty Re: Katame-no-kata - All Japan Kata Championships 2014 - Nakayama / Haayashi

    Post by Y-Chromosome Tue May 31, 2016 10:10 pm

    Thanks for the link AND the explanation. I had watched this one:

    but I wasn't getting it.
    Typical story of my life with clinics though. They spend an eternity on the part I understand, then rush through the material I need help with because they're running out of time.

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