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    Defensa Personal o el Ju-Jitsu - Mitsuyo Maeda


    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Defensa Personal o el Ju-Jitsu - Mitsuyo Maeda Empty Defensa Personal o el Ju-Jitsu - Mitsuyo Maeda

    Post by NBK Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:17 pm

    A new student from Brazil gave me a recently published book to review -

    Defensa Personel o el Ju-Jiutsu - Mitsuyo Maeda (Conde Koma)

    It is a reprint of an old, undated self-defense / jujutsu book by Maeda Mitsuyo, with a short, modern introduction.  

    Great stuff - some basic exercises, falls, and street clothed escapes, counters, and come alongs.  


    Posts : 507
    Join date : 2013-01-11
    Location : Finland

    Defensa Personal o el Ju-Jitsu - Mitsuyo Maeda Empty Re: Defensa Personal o el Ju-Jitsu - Mitsuyo Maeda

    Post by finarashi Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:38 am

    AFAIK there are no books by Mitsuo Maeda.
    There has been såeculation that he was involved with production of
    Defensa personal al alcance de todos By Unknown Author, San Salvador, El Salvador, Tipografía Nacional, 1913
    and by
    Jiudo : uma arte de cultura physica japonesa By Unknown Author, Para-Belem Brazil Livraria Escolar 1935 17p
    The first was produced in connection of Japanese troupe visiting El Salvador and after exhibition matches teaching the military at their academy. The troupe had Nishimura and Maeda with them. Most probable author is the "translator" Alberto García Dechent. On the other hand how do we define an author?
    The second is even weaker as it is most probable only a translation of Japanese orginal. The authorship claim was AFAIK first done By Virgilio Stanlei but has not been confirmed. see e.g.
    However it might be so that in the first one can see pictures of Maeda performing techniques. These kind of books one can find others.


    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Defensa Personal o el Ju-Jitsu - Mitsuyo Maeda Empty Re: Defensa Personal o el Ju-Jitsu - Mitsuyo Maeda

    Post by NBK Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:40 pm

    This book sounds like the former.

    There's a multipage introduction, supposedly written by Maeda. It includes the guidelines to a healthy life, including:
    - No comer demasiado.
    - No comer mucha carne.
    - Desistir de tomar debidas alcholicas.
    - No fumar demasiado.
    - Evitar la intemperancia y exceso de la practica de actos sexuales.

    I guess one of out of five ain't too bad.....

    Posts : 507
    Join date : 2013-01-11
    Location : Finland

    Defensa Personal o el Ju-Jitsu - Mitsuyo Maeda Empty Re: Defensa Personal o el Ju-Jitsu - Mitsuyo Maeda

    Post by finarashi Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:40 am

    Now I got the book and AFAICT it is as NBK said a copy of the Defensa personal al alcance de todos By Unknown Author, San Salvador, El Salvador, Tipografía Nacional, 1913 with some additional pages added to the front i.e. biography.

    Again I doubt the real author is Maeda.
    En cuanto al jiu jitsu se sabe que se ejecutó en la capital dentro de los actos que realizó el Circo Japonés en la noche del 2 de enero de 1913. En esta lucha contendieron el japonés de apellido Nishimura y el cubano apellidado Pérez. Después de cinco rounds ganó Nishimura. Otro artista de esta compañía circense, el "Conde Koma" ofrecía clase de gimnasia japonesa a los jefes y oficiales del Estado Mayor Presidencial en el Cuartel de Artillería. Este mismo artista publicó en la Tipografía Nacional la obra titulada Defensa personal al alcance de todos, traducida por Alberto García Dechent. El libro estaba ilustrado con muchas figuras que explicaban los ejercicios a que se refiere la mencionada publicación. Dicha obra sería utilizada en el ejército y se distribuiría en colegios.
    My translation
    Jiu jitsu is known to be performed in the capital by the Japanese Circus on the night of January 2, 1913. In this event there was a struggle between Japanese named Nishimura and Cuban surnamed Perez. After five rounds Nishimura won. Another artist of the circus troupe, the "Conde Koma" offered a Japanese gym class to the chiefs and officers of the Presidential General in the Artillery Barracks. This same artist published the book entitled Self-defense to everyone, translated by Alberto Garcia Dechent in the National Typography. The book was illustrated with many figures explaining the exercises referred to that publication. This work would be used in the army and would be distributed in schools.

    IMHO the teachings were recorded and photograhed and a book was produced By e.g. Alberto Garcia Dechent

    However IMHO the techniques and poses are authentique.


    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2018-04-02

    Defensa Personal o el Ju-Jitsu - Mitsuyo Maeda Empty Re: Defensa Personal o el Ju-Jitsu - Mitsuyo Maeda

    Post by judoresearcher Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:03 pm

    Sorry to resurrect the topic but I was very interested... does anyone own this book in pdf? or can give me more information about it? is it really maeda that demonstrates?

    Posts : 507
    Join date : 2013-01-11
    Location : Finland

    Defensa Personal o el Ju-Jitsu - Mitsuyo Maeda Empty Re: Defensa Personal o el Ju-Jitsu - Mitsuyo Maeda

    Post by finarashi Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:54 am

    Yes it is really Maeda (as far as one can be sure). The figure quality is not good (the book as sold was reprinted from an old 1913 book). The second japanese? gent might be Nishimura. Figures have both Maeda himself (e.g. ukemi) and the two gents. Mostly standing techniques (both in judogi and in street clothes). Most of the book dedicated to similar things found in The complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu (Judo) by Hancock, Harrie Irving (1868 - 1922) and Higashi, Katsukuma as well as other similar things at that era. In the back end 'almost' standard judo newaza 6 arm locks, 2 strangles and 1 leglock.

    Easily buyable.

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