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    article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai


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    article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai Empty article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai

    Post by noboru Wed Nov 02, 2016 5:55 pm

    Short article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai (30.July - may be in the year 1933) - source FCB page Culture judo

    article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai 14606310

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    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai Empty Re: article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai

    Post by NBK Thu Nov 03, 2016 2:27 am

    Nice, thanks!
    But it seems to name techniques not in JNK.

    Posts : 839
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    article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai Empty Re: article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai

    Post by noboru Thu Nov 03, 2016 6:30 pm

    Could it be description of Itsutsu-no-kata?

    here is description from Memories of Jigoro Kano's Visit to the London Budokwai in August 1933 By Trevor Leggett - http://ejmas.com/jcs/jcsart_leggett1_0300.htm
    I was a young judo enthusiast of under twenty years when Dr. Kano came with Mr. Sumiyuki Kotani and Mr. Masami Takasaki. We were able to become members of the Kodokan, and I received from Dr. Kano a Ni-kyu certificate. Dr. Kano watched two English Budokwai members performing Nage-no-kata, and then Mr. Gunji Koizumi and Mr. Yukio Tani perforing Ju-no-kata. Koizumi had introduced some of his own ideas into the kata, and I heard that Dr. Kano remarked: "That is a modification of Ju-no-kata." He himself demonstrated a couple of the Itsutsu-no-kata. It must have been very difficult in the confined space. He made a little explanation for the English members, in his impeccable "Headmaster's English". (I mean by this that each word was separately and clearly pronounced, as an English Headmaster does to set a good example of correct pronunciation to pupils.) He told us that it would be difficult for us to understand the principles shown in the Itsutsu-no-kata. He added, with an unexpected touch of humour: "It is even more difficult to perform it. I myself have been studying it for over forty years, and I think I can now perform the first three correctly!"


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    article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai Empty If the english description are about Ju-no-kata techniques, which techniques could mean?

    Post by noboru Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:32 pm

    If the english description are about Ju-no-kata techniques, which techniques could mean?

    kneel-wheel    - Ryo-kata-oshi ???
    floating throw  -  Katate-dori ???
    pick-a-back drop  - ???
    mountain gale - ???

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    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai Empty Re: article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai

    Post by NBK Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:48 pm

    noboru wrote:If the english description are about Ju-no-kata techniques, which techniques could mean?

    kneel-wheel    - Ryo-kata-oshi ???
    floating throw  -  Katate-dori ???
    pick-a-back drop  - ???
    mountain gale - ???
    No, different I think.

    Ju no kata Techniques

    First Set
    Tsuki-dashi (Hand Thrust)
    Kata-oshi (Shoulder Push)
    Ryo-te-dori (Two-Hand Hold)
    Kata-mawashi (Shoulder Turn)
    Ago-oshi (Jaw Push)

    Second Set
    Kiri-oroshi (Downward Cut)
    Ryo-kata-oshi (Two-Shoulder Push)
    Naname-uchi (Slanting Strike)
    Kata-te-dori (One-Hand Hold)
    Kata-te-age (One-Hand Lift)

    Third Set
    Obi-tori (Belt Grab)
    Mune-oshi (Chest Push)
    Tsuki-age (Uppercut)
    Uchi-oroshi (Downward Strike)
    Ryo-gan-tsuki (Strike to Both Eyes)


    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai Empty Re: article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai

    Post by NBK Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:50 pm

    kneel-wheel - Ryo-kata-oshi ???
    floating throw - Katate-dori ???
    pick-a-back drop - ???
    mountain gale - ???

    Knee wheel = hiza guruma
    floating throw = uki otoshi
    pick-a-back drop = seo-otoshi?
    mountain gale = yama arashi

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    Age : 46
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    article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai Empty Re: article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai

    Post by noboru Fri Nov 04, 2016 7:13 pm

    Thank you.

    Posts : 839
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    article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai Empty Re: article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai

    Post by noboru Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:50 pm

    Source: FCB page of Culture Judo
    En 1920, Jigoro Kano a visité le Budokwai, en route vers les Jeux olympiques de 1920 comme chef de la délégation japonaise

    In 1920 Jigoro Kano visited the Budokwai, on his way to the 1920 Olympic Games as Head of the Japanese Delegation

    article about Kano's Ju-no-kata demonstration in Budokwai Jigoro10

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