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    Russian prezident Vladimir Putin received calligraphy "Jitta Kyóei" from japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe


    Posts : 840
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    Russian prezident Vladimir Putin received calligraphy "Jitta Kyóei" from japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe Empty Russian prezident Vladimir Putin received calligraphy "Jitta Kyóei" from japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe

    Post by noboru Fri Sep 15, 2017 11:14 pm


    Russian prezident Vladimir Putin received calligraphy "Jitta Kyóei" from japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe

    It is well. Perhaps President Putin will understand the meaning of calligraphy and start applying it. This will help the coexistence of nations in Eastern Europe. Putin can apply Kano's first idea " 精力善用 Seiryoku Zen'yo" (maximal efficiency using energy)" very well in his political at home and in the world. Unfortunately, Mr. Putin does not follow the Kano's second idea "自他共栄 Jitta Kyóei (mutual benefit for self and other)"
    Thank you Mr. Abe.

    Russian prezident Vladimir Putin received calligraphy "Jitta Kyóei" from japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe Urajioseiryokuzenyou2-thumb-520xauto-4626

    Russian prezident Vladimir Putin received calligraphy "Jitta Kyóei" from japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe Seiryokuzennyou-thumb-520xauto-4643

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    Russian prezident Vladimir Putin received calligraphy "Jitta Kyóei" from japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe Empty Re: Russian prezident Vladimir Putin received calligraphy "Jitta Kyóei" from japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe

    Post by Y-Chromosome Sat Sep 16, 2017 3:55 am


    Posts : 840
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Russian prezident Vladimir Putin received calligraphy "Jitta Kyóei" from japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe Empty Re: Russian prezident Vladimir Putin received calligraphy "Jitta Kyóei" from japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe

    Post by noboru Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:17 pm

    Russian prezident Vladimir Putin received calligraphy "Jitta Kyóei" from japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe 2005ya10

    2005 - Putin visits Japan. Yasuhiro Yamashita (Olympic judo and then president of the Japanese Judo Federation) gives him his own (apparently written by Judo creator Jigoró Kan) calligraphy with the idea of Judo founder Jita Kyoei vysvět 他 共 栄 and explains to Putin its significance - Mutual benefit for oneself and others.

    I tried to translate the Japanese text with information about the circumstances of the photo, Yamashita tells him: "It was my treasure, but I gave it to Russia and Japan in the hope that they will develop together." And Putin said, "I can't believe it's mine. I want to share it with everyone."


    Source: https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/headline/contributing_worldwide/yamashita.html

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    Russian prezident Vladimir Putin received calligraphy "Jitta Kyóei" from japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe Empty Re: Russian prezident Vladimir Putin received calligraphy "Jitta Kyóei" from japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe

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