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3 posters

    Kappo from koryu jujutsu


    Posts : 839
    Join date : 2013-08-25
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Kappo from koryu jujutsu Empty Kappo from koryu jujutsu

    Post by noboru August 3rd 2018, 00:11

    Correlative study of Sappo and Kappo. -From Waza(technique) of TenjinShinyo-Ryu.-

    Kappo from koryu jujutsu Kappo2

    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-09
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Kappo from koryu jujutsu Empty Re: Kappo from koryu jujutsu

    Post by NBK August 3rd 2018, 01:03

    Interesting stuff.

    Some years ago I posted in the old forum some of the info from a Japanese academic paper I read on Japanese traditional kappo techniques. Some judo guys did them in a lab where they measured the volume of air inhaled / exhaled.

    The summary was that the best traditional techniques were 70-80% as effective as the most modern techniques, but far better than the Western techniques when they were developed.

    BTW Kano shihan knew Inogushi sensei and wrote the forward to some number of Inoguchi's books.

    Posts : 222
    Join date : 2013-09-06
    Location : Brussels, Belgium

    Kappo from koryu jujutsu Empty Re: Kappo from koryu jujutsu

    Post by Jihef August 3rd 2018, 22:25

    noboru wrote:Correlative study of Sappo and Kappo. -From Waza(technique) of TenjinShinyo-Ryu.-
    Thanks !

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