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    Different initial positions for tori and uke in Kodokan Kata


    Posts : 14
    Join date : 2014-12-13
    Age : 143
    Location : Santa Maria, RS, Brazil

    Different initial positions for tori and uke in Kodokan Kata Empty Different initial positions for tori and uke in Kodokan Kata

    Post by luizpavani Fri May 31, 2019 7:01 am

    I've searched extensively (books, internet, forum, ...) for this answer and didn't find anything satisfactory.
    Could anyone help with the answer or point me in the right direction so I can find it?

    What is the reason for different initial positions for tori and uke in Kodokan Kata?

    Why does tori start on the right of Kamiza in Nage-no-Kata, Katame-no-Kata, Kime-no-Kata, and Itsutsu-no-kata; and on the left in Ju-no-Kata, Koshiki-no-Kata, and Kodokan Goshin-Jutsu?

    Thank you all in advance for any help.


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