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    Judo For Weight loss

    john newman
    john newman

    Posts : 10
    Join date : 2020-01-15
    Age : 31
    Location : Socal

    Judo For Weight loss Empty Judo For Weight loss

    Post by john newman Fri Sep 02, 2022 3:21 am

    As seen in combat sport disciplines, using less-than-optimal weight loss techniques to reach target weight ranges can lead to serious health issues. But specifics about how to handle weight categories while comparing three sports still need to be looked at. The purpose of the current study was to learn more about the methods that athletes used to lose weight before a competition. Materials and Procedures According to the rapid weight loss questionnaire (RWLQ) and the EAT-27, this article describes the most prevalent dietary-nutritional techniques employed by 140 national university male competitors in judo (n = 52), karate (n = 40), and taekwondo (n = 48) in order to achieve a specific weight!!

      Current date/time is Tue Dec 10, 2024 5:08 pm