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    Guidelines for dan gradings in Norway


    Posts : 118
    Join date : 2013-01-15
    Age : 40
    Location : Norway

    Guidelines for dan gradings in Norway Empty Guidelines for dan gradings in Norway

    Post by cuivien Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:12 pm

    §5 Dan gradings

    1st-6th dan gradings are done by the technical committee (or, in special cases, by an appointee directly under the authority of TC)

    Before grading, the candidates are to send an application with all necessary documentation to TC. When the application is approved, you have 12 months to complete the grading without further costs. The current fee is pr. 01.12.2011 NOK2000,- (~350USD)

    When applying for 1st-3rd dan grade, there are three different paths to take:

    a) technical grading (applicable for 1st-5th dan)
    b) shiai-technical grading (applicable for 1st-3rd dan)
    the candidate is required to collect the proper amount of points via shiai. All regional, national, and international events give points. Victory = 1p, loss = 0,5p. For national and international championships, the numbers are doubled. Direct grading without showing of formal technical skills may be considered for those who show special excellence in international events.
    c) administrative-technical grading (applicable for 1st-6th dan)
    the candidate may use coaching, judging and/or administrative participation as points towards a grade. points may in no case be transferred over from one grade to the next.

    §5.1 Shodan

    Formal requirements:
    - 1 year after last grading
    - full knowledge of the kyu-syllabus
    - judging license C OR
    - coach license 1

    - for technical grading you will be asked to demonstrate the nage-no-kata as tori (you may also be asked to explain the role of uke, or to demonstrate certain points)
    - for shiai-technical grading the following amount of points must be collected: Male = 40p, female = 30p.
    - for administrative-technical grading the candidate must have collected 150p
    - for shiai-technical or administrative-technical grading the candidate must be able to demonstrate te-waza, koshi-waza, and ashi-waza from nage-no-kata as tori.

    §5.2 nidan

    Formal requirements:
    - 2 years have passed since shodan
    - full knowledge of the kyu-syllabus
    - judging license B OR
    - coach license 1 OR
    - judging license C PLUS kata judge license for nage-no-kata

    - for technical grading you will be asked to demonstrate the nage-no-kata and katame-no-kata as tori (you will also be asked to explain the role of uke, and to demonstrate at least 2 sequences as uke)
    - for shiai-technical grading the following amount of points must be collected: Male = 60p, female = 40p.
    - for administrative-technical grading the candidate must have collected 300p
    - for shiai-technical or administrative-technical grading the candidate must be able to demonstrate katame-no-kata as tori.

    §5.3 sandan

    Formal requirements:
    - 3 years have passed since nidan
    - full knowledge of the kyu-syllabus
    - judging license B OR
    - coach license 1 OR
    - judging license C PLUS kata judge license for nage-no-kata

    - for technical grading you will be asked to demonstrate the katame-no-kata and kime-no-kata as tori (you must be able to explain the role of uke for nage-no-kata, katame-no-kata, and kime-no-kata)
    - for shiai-technical grading the following amount of points must be collected: Male = 80p, female = 60p.
    - for administrative-technical grading the candidate must have collected 450p
    - for shiai-technical or administrative-technical grading the candidate must be able to demonstrate kime-no-kata as tori (you must also be able to explain the role of both tori and uke for katame-no-kata, as well as uke for kime-no-kata)

    §5.4 yondan

    Formal requirements:
    - at least 4 years have passed since sandan. If the applicant is older than 35 years of age, (s)he may opt to apply for a shorter time period (however, at least 1 year is a minimum). This can only be done once.
    - full knowledge of the kyu-syllabus
    - judging license A OR
    - kata judge license for 3 different kata OR
    - coach license 2 OR
    - judging license C PLUS coach license 1

    - for technical grading the candidate must have acquired 200 administrative points.
    - for technical grading the candidate will show kime-no-kata and ju-no-kata as tori (must also be able to discuss in depth the role of both tori and uke for all earlier kata)
    - for administrative-technical grading the candidate must have acquired 600 administrative points.
    - for administrative-technical grading the candidate will show ju-no-kata as tori (must also be able to explain the role of tori and uke for kime-no-kata as well as uke for ju-no-kata)

    §5.5 godan

    Formal requirements:
    - at least 5 years have passed since yondan. If the applicant is older than 40 years of age, (s)he may opt to apply for a shorter time period (however, at least 1 year is a minimum). This can only be done once.
    - full knowledge of the kyu-syllabus
    - kata judge license for 3 different kata PLUS coach license 1 OR
    - kata judge license for 3 different kata PLUS judge license C OR
    - coach license 2 PLUS coach license C OR
    - judging license A PLUS coach license 1

    - for technical grading the candidate must have acquired 200 administrative points.
    - for technical grading the candidate will show ju-no-kata and goshin-jutsu as tori (must also be able to discuss in depth the role of both tori and uke for all earlier kata)
    - for administrative-technical grading the candidate must have acquired 800 administrative points.
    - for administrative-technical grading the candidate will show goshi-jutsu as tori (must also be able to explain the role of tori and uke for all earlier kata)

    §5.6 rokudan

    Formal requirements:
    - at least 6 years have passed since yondan. If the applicant is older than 45 years of age, (s)he may opt to apply for a shorter time period (however, at least 1 year is a minimum). This can only be done once.
    - full knowledge of the kyu-syllabus
    - kata judge license for 3 different kata PLUS coach license 2 OR
    - kata judge license for 3 different kata PLUS judge license B OR
    - judging license B PLUS coach license 2 OR
    - judging license A PLUS coach license 2

    - for grading the candidate must have acquired 400 administrative points. At least 200 of these must be from acticity on a national or international level.
    - for grading the candidate will show kime-no-kata, ju-no-kata and goshin-jutsu as tori (must also be able to discuss in depth the role of both tori and uke for all earlier kata)

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:57 pm