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    Promotion certificates


    Posts : 99
    Join date : 2013-03-03
    Location : Central FL

    Promotion certificates Empty Promotion certificates

    Post by Heisenberg Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:47 am

    We would like to upgrade our dojo promotion certificates. I'm hoping someone on here can be of assistance.

    Currently we give out a computer printed blank certificate, and the instructor authorizing the promotion fills in the blanks in pen. They are nothing to be proud of, and I think it's something simple we can do to increase retention.

    Most of our promotions are 'in-dojo' and never get recorded with the NGB; neither the instructors or students see much value in it and it isn't worth the expense or paperwork, especially for the lower kyu grades.

    We would like to award a nicer promotion certificate. Preferably something attractive and traditional looking, with some accurate Japanese writing, that could be customized on the computer and printed out individually on some decent certificate stock or parchment bond type paper from the office supply store. Ideally we could customize for Kyu/Dan rank promoted to, name, date. We also have Karate promotions, and would like to be able to switch back and forth or have separate templates.

    Does anyone here have a computer template they would be willing to share that we could customize? Or a source for one you can recommend? We are a non-profit community judo club, so several hundred dollars for a custom program is out of the question.

    Thanks in advance,

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