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    Major Flu Epidemic


    Posts : 806
    Join date : 2012-12-28
    Location : Vista, California

    Major Flu Epidemic Empty Major Flu Epidemic

    Post by BillC Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:05 am

    Kiti's post about the flu vaccine inspired me to post a warning for anyone that looks here but somehow avoids the news media in the US otherwise.

    There is a major flu outbreak going on right now, the worst in at least a decade, and a bad strain at that. Map here: http://www.wunderground.com/maps/health/

    Relevance to judo? Are you kidding? Even us adults snork whatever comes out of our heads all over each other in close proximity, and the kids (aka bioweapons in short pants) are worse.

    So urge everyone to get vaccinated immediately. Send sick students home ... "no babysitting in costumes for kids with the flu no matter how inconvenient for the parents."

    For those that don't believe germ theory, vaccination, etc. ... well, good luck with that.

    US Flu "Epidemic" Worst in Decade
    January 07, 2013; 4:00 AM

    This winter has had the earliest and worst outbreak of deadly flu virus in a decade. Forty-one states have reported cases, 18 children have died and the flu season is just getting started.

    Dr. David Rosenberg, a pediatric pulmonologist interviewed by Good Morning America said, "It's been an epidemic and there've been a lot of admissions from the flu, more than ever."

    Positive cases of influenza in the U.S. rose 60 percent during the last week of December.

    In the week ending on Dec. 29, 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported there were 2,961 positive influenza test results out of 9,363 specimens nationwide, or 31.6 percent. Near the Great Lakes, the hardest-hit region, reports nearly 60 percent of those who were checked tested positive for the flu.

    This is an increase in cases since last week when the percentage of positive flu cases nationwide was 29.6 percent. The current baseline of outpatient visits for influenza-like illnesses is 5.6 percent which is above the national baseline of 2.2 percent.

    The national baseline is determined by calculating the mean percentage of patient visits to health care providers for influenza-like illnesses (a temperature of 100 degrees F [37.8 degrees C] or greater and a cough and/or a sore throat without a known cause other than influenza) during non-influenza weeks for the previous three seasons and adding two standard deviations.

    The CDC measures influenza cases broken into 10 geographical regions of the United States. During the last week of 2012, nine of the geographical regions were reporting elevated outpatient visits for people experiencing flu symptoms. The number of people experiencing flu-like illnesses is reported to be high in 29 states and New York City.

    The number of positive flu cases for 2012 is higher than those reported during the same week in 2011.

    The CDC began recording pediatric deaths in 2004, following 153 pediatric deaths reported during the 2003-04 influenza season.

    At the time of this report, 18 pediatric deaths have been attributed to influenza. The total pediatric deaths attributed to influenza last season were 34.

    The CDC closely monitors influenza cases nationwide from October through mid-May. However, there is no official period of time determined to be the flu season.

    Cases of influenza in the U.S. typically peak during January.

    The best way to prevent infection by influenza is to get a flu shot.

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 5:58 pm