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    Ebi Goichi


    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2013-05-25

    Ebi Goichi Empty Ebi Goichi

    Post by IgorRG Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:17 pm

    Anyone know anything about Ebi Goichi?
    I really want to know more about the man who was known as "God of Newaza"...
    Information, pictures?

    Ebi Goichi Ebi_go10

    Thanks once again
    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

    Posts : 1948
    Join date : 2013-01-16
    Age : 865
    Location : the Holy See

    Ebi Goichi Empty Re: Ebi Goichi

    Post by Cichorei Kano Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:59 am

    His correct name is not “Ebi Goichi”, but “Ebii Gōichi” 胡井剛一. He was born in January of 1905, entered the Kodokan on March 20th of 1928. He was promoted to 9th dan in 1981, and passed away on February 22nd of 1988. He was once a teacher at my dōjō in Kyōto, but before my days, and I never met the man. Then again, so was Abe Kenshirō and I never met him either. That is to say, Ebii-sensei was still alive although of course long retired when I first visited Kyōto, but I did not know of his name or existence then. Ebii-sensei is buried at the Hōnen-in Temple in Kyōto.
    The same question was asked on the old forum. Maybe someone can link to there or copy the information I and others provided there. If not, I believe one of the senior members on the old forum (I do not know if he is a member here too), namely Rick Littlewood from New Zealand knew him in person. So, he likely can tell you much more about it than we.
    In any case, Ebii-sensei was particularly known for his sankaku-jime, and in addition to newaza, also excelled in kata. Dutchman Chris de Korte also spent some time with him and makes regular references to him. To the best of my knowledge there is no taped footage of Ebii-sensei anywhere on the Internet.

    Posts : 14
    Join date : 2013-01-21
    Location : Tsurumaki, Tokyo

    Ebi Goichi Empty Link to related cache on the old forum

    Post by Tsurumaki Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:27 pm

    Here are links to most of the thread on the old forum. 








    In the early part of the above thread, Hanon wrote:
    "Busen Kata book? :mellow: How so? I truly cannot understand this? Who taught CdK and EK? How did they come by such knowledge? Is this the man I wrote too some time ago asking him if he would train me and he said he hadn't the time? I may be very wrong but I think Jonsey also tried to make contact and received a similar rejection?
    I am facinated to see this book. Facinated. Who ARE these people? Where do they keep comming from? PLEASE dont tell me they where pupils of Abe Sensei or Michigami sensei? Please."

    Which wdax responded to thus:

    "There was a long discussion some time ago about this project:
    You will find some very interesting posts there, but it´s a lond thread......"

    I think the following are links to the thread, but I may be wrong. I also have the link to posts 16-30, but don’t include it here as it was mainly a back-and-forth about usernames.

    74-86 (end)

    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2013-05-25

    Ebi Goichi Empty Re: Ebi Goichi

    Post by IgorRG Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:29 pm

    Thank you Tsurumaki!

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