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    New IJF EC Members

    Jerry Hays

    Posts : 142
    Join date : 2012-12-31

    New IJF EC Members Empty New IJF EC Members

    Post by Jerry Hays Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:16 pm

    New IJF EC Members

    Mr. Arkady Rottenberg, President of St Petersburg Judo Club, who was a childhood friend and training partner of Russian President, Mr. Vladimir Putin, was elected as IJF Development Manager. Mr. Jose Humberto Rodriguez, USA Judo Chief Executive Officer, who was instrumental in USA Judo’s highly-successful Miami Grand Prix and Cadet World Championships this year, became a new IJF Executive Committee member as IJF Development Director. Mr. Hedi Dhouib, who is stepping out of the exectutive board after years of dedication to the development of judo, becomes the IJF Director of International Affairs.

    Source: www.ijf.org

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