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    Judo near Margate, Florida


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2013-08-02

    Judo near Margate, Florida Empty Judo near Margate, Florida

    Post by alnobak Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:35 am

    Hi everyone,

    One of my friend is going to spend a part of winter in Margate, Florida.
    He is looking for a dojo to keep practicing judo during his stay.
    He is 69 years old and still in good shape for his age.
    Is there any judo dojo around there where he could go??

    Thank you!

    Posts : 81
    Join date : 2013-09-19
    Location : Woodbridge,Va. USA

    Judo near Margate, Florida Empty Re: Judo near Margate, Florida

    Post by Tai-Jutsu Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:55 am

    I lived about 3 miles from Margate from 13-17 and from18-23.

    Ki-itsu-sai Judo National Training Centermore info‎
    6855 Lyons Technology Circle
    Coconut Creek, FL 33073
    (954) 675-3417

    They might be the old Coconut Crek Judo Club and if so DO IT!

    In 1986 I moved down there. I had some TKD and other exp. I was 14 and looking for a school. I called them and they told me to come down anytime. Even offerd a free Gi if I signed up. This was on a Friday, so I was going to go down on a Tuesday.

    The weird thing is the next day a TKD Dojang opend up a mile from my house, so I went there.

    But I regret it for 2 reasons. #1 I ended up with one of the instructors not of the owning family as a mentor. He was a Nidan in Judo, Ju Jutsu and Aikido as well as TKD and I quickly fell in love with what he termed "The Throwing arts." He taught me a lot but as he had hip dispalcia he could not take falls and most of the other students wanted no part in Throwing or joint locks so I was very limited. It did put me on a serach that found it;s destination 11 years later.

    #2 One of the owner's son's was a real DB, used to start street fights all the time (and he was a 4th Dan). Well he picked a fight with a guy who was a brown belt at CCJC and Mr. Bullykick got his ribs broken with a throw by the Judoka (and Ju Jutsuka I beleive). That just reenforced the need to learn how to throw for me back then. (And I kind of liked seeing an arrogant bully get humbeld and he actually eased up and was a lot better after that, so I look at it like the Judoka did him a favour in the long term.

    So I can't speak for their contest Judo, or their developing people aspect but they sure as Hell fulfilled Kano's wish for it to be a means of effective self defense.

    I digress but f they are the sme or the continuation I wanted to point you there. I knid of feel I owe them that.
    genetic judoka
    genetic judoka

    Posts : 541
    Join date : 2012-12-30
    Age : 38
    Location : Florida

    Judo near Margate, Florida Empty Re: Judo near Margate, Florida

    Post by genetic judoka Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:31 pm

    there's A LOT of judo in that area.

    look up Tomodachi Judo club. it's probably better suited to a 69 yr old.

    the club is more impressive than the website.

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    Judo near Margate, Florida Empty Re: Judo near Margate, Florida

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