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Cichorei Kano
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    New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years"

    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

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    New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years" Empty New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years"

    Post by Cichorei Kano Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:47 am


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    New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years" Empty Re: New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years"

    Post by EastGer_Jûdôka Tue Dec 24, 2013 2:59 am

    I think, to train a 3-5 years old child in judo is a waste of time. In the end of this document, it says the judo technique you learn it, at a 5 years old child. In my Opinion, it is wrong to say, you do judo if you don't do the techniques or even princeples of judo.
    In a short summary: It is a waste of time

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    New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years" Empty Re: New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years"

    Post by judo66 Tue Dec 24, 2013 3:14 am

    EastGer_Jûdôka wrote:I think, to train a 3-5 years old child in judo is a waste of time. In the end of this document, it says the judo technique you learn it, at a 5 years old child. In my Opinion, it is wrong to say, you do judo if you don't do the techniques or even princeples of judo.
    In a short summary: It is a waste of time

    You are absolutly right. I'm asked on a regular basis to take pupils of that age. My answer is always the same ''no''. At that age i believe that they should start with gymnastic and then start judo when they are old enough (depending of their psychological age) to start.

    A judo class is not a kindergarden class and this exactly what i say to young parents who often do believe that in starting their kids at three in judo will make olympians.

    The document posted by CK is vague, it seems to be just an introduction of a very long document. Each of the elements has to be explained in details. I have no doubts that this kind of study is interesting but...can we talk of real judo for a 3 year old who has just quit his diapers...

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    New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years" Empty Re: New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years"

    Post by Hanon Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:24 am

    Apart from the pedagogical implications where does insurance come into this? The federation here will not issue a licence to a minor below the age of 8 and thus NO INSURANCE is offered. There certainly are dojo with baby sitting classes but I ponder the result of one of those got hurt?

    I also have in the back of my mind that going back years the IJF or the EJU issued guidelines to federations informing them not to issue licences to minors below the age of ?7? . Long time ago and I didn't pay much attention to the edict.

    3-5. Can't be judo. Must be pre judo and that means what? Having said that I have known 10 year olds who are not mature enough to handle judo yet have known some at 5 who clearly where? Its a mine field and with todays litigation and culture of suing not to mention child care and protection, Its a very hard situation to debate.
    I have no answers except that when I taught at my dojo I only allowed above 8 unless exceptional circumstances prevailed. One of those circumstances was a parent remained and observed the lesson from start to finish, this achieved two goals, one, it made sure the club was not being abused as a baby sitting service and two, the parent would be there to observe the teaching and practice ensuring the staff where jointly held accountable along with the parent in terms of child protection guide lines.


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    New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years" Empty Re: New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years"

    Post by Jonesy Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:26 am

    7 or 8 is the earliest children should start judo in my view.
    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

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    New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years" Empty Re: New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years"

    Post by Cichorei Kano Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:32 am

    People kindly participating in the discussion here are forgetting one essential thing: the EJU/IJF is INFALLIBLE and ALWAYS right, even if the claim the opposite of what they claimed before ...  Cool 

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    New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years" Empty Re: New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years"

    Post by medo Tue Dec 24, 2013 8:13 am

    4yr old you would not be teaching Judo just gymnastic type exercises and games of chase perhaps a week kesa, attention spans no more than a minute or so completely new teaching skills needed. Not for the faint hearted Very Happy 

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    New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years" Empty Re: New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years"

    Post by Jihef Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:37 pm

    I have read this PDF. What a load of cr*p.
    This is basically a poorly thought out, poorly made, uncompletely translated powerpoint presentation. Did someone actually got paid to do this ??
    This is flashy-colored emptiness with brand logos. Judo marketing. makes me want to puke.
     Evil or Very Mad 

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    New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years" Empty Re: New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years"

    Post by finarashi Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:52 am

    I think the power point presentation is quite good if one wants quickly to summarize what can be expected from Judo training for 3-5 years. Naturally there are lots of coaching and training guides for 3-5 years in general, but I have not yet seen a presentation of what to expect from Judo and what to try to teach to very small kids.

    I have seen Judo training for under 1 year old babies (with parent obviously). That was professionally conducted and guite good for all involved.

    IMHO very few under 10 year old kids really benefit from Judo training as far as Judo is considered. Very few claim that a kid should not do any excercise and sports untill the kid is at least ten.

    If a club has black belts to spare and they are eager then why not organize sports for young?

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    New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years" Empty Re: New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years"

    Post by samsmith2424 Wed Jan 08, 2014 9:09 am

    finarashi wrote:I think the power point presentation is quite good if one wants quickly to summarize what can be expected from Judo training for 3-5 years. Naturally there are lots of coaching and training guides for 3-5 years in general, but I have not yet seen a presentation of what to expect from Judo and what to try to teach to very small kids.

    I have seen Judo training for under 1 year old babies (with parent obviously). That was professionally conducted and guite good for all involved.

    IMHO very few under 10 year old kids really benefit from Judo training as far as Judo is considered. Very few claim that a kid should not do any excercise and sports untill the kid is at least ten.

    If a club has black belts to spare and they are eager then why not organize sports for young?
    Why stop at one year old babies? Tell the expectant mums to practise rolling so their babies experience this and then get the dads (to be) to shout Hajime and Matte every now and then (loud enough so the baby hears)!
     Very Happy

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    New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years" Empty Re: New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years"

    Post by Jonesy Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:02 am

    The PDF is in my view very poorly thought out and very poorly presented. The only good thing can say about it is that it is nice and colourful. I only assume that the reason this rubbish got airtime is that one of the authors, Fabio Capelletti is the son of the IJF's European Education Commissioner and 9 dan - Franco Capelletti.

    Posts : 222
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    Location : Brussels, Belgium

    New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years" Empty Re: New EJU Document about "Judo for Children 3-5 years"

    Post by Jihef Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:12 pm

    finarashi wrote:I think the power point presentation is quite good if one wants quickly to summarize what can be expected from Judo training for 3-5 years.
    finn, quite good? …you must be kidding.

    Jonesy wrote:The PDF is in my view very poorly thought out and very poorly presented.  The only good thing can say about it is that it is nice and colourful.
    The only use I could see for this document, would be as a visual support for some lecture on the subject.

    Certainly not as a stand alone "reference" for download??
     Evil or Very Mad 

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