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    Jūdō classes taught by physics professor Dr. Yoshida San’ichirō now available in Louisiana

    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

    Posts : 1948
    Join date : 2013-01-16
    Age : 865
    Location : the Holy See

    Jūdō classes taught by physics professor Dr. Yoshida San’ichirō now available in Louisiana Empty Jūdō classes taught by physics professor Dr. Yoshida San’ichirō now available in Louisiana

    Post by Cichorei Kano Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:17 am

    With his background, Dr. Yoshida may be able to provide unique insights that facilitate his jūdō students' learning.

    "Southeastern students can now learn the art of judo thanks to the passion of Southeastern physics professor Dr. Sanichiro Yoshida. Yoshida has been practicing judo for 45 years, and after one of his closest Judo coaches passed away three years ago, he was determined to bring judo to Southeastern." (...)

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    I thought that this information is particularly useful to know in the light of the following sentence I noticed in the last issue of Growing Judo: "I have studied judo for over 50 years with many instructors, some national champions. However, beyond demonstrating throws, none could explain the biomechanics of the sport." (Cockey RM.: New school vs. traditional judo. Growing Judo USJA Feb 2014, p26.)

    Also, Dr. Rodney Imamura in Sacramento is well versed in the biomechanics of judo.

      Current date/time is Thu Jan 23, 2025 11:13 am