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    'karate-gi' style ties attached to a judo-gi


    Posts : 24
    Join date : 2013-02-16

    'karate-gi' style ties attached to a judo-gi Empty 'karate-gi' style ties attached to a judo-gi

    Post by judoclimber Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:11 pm

    To have one's gi come undone is an annoyance & distraction for both performers and onlookers in kata demonstration. I think this may happen more frequently for those who don't own a stiff double-weave type gi.

    What do you think about attaching discreet ties on the inside of a gi that is only used for kata training & demonstration? I am thinking of the ties that are typically found on the inside of karate-gi, that help keep each side always stay closed. (Velcro is not an option, as if they came undone it would make a noise.)


    Posts : 806
    Join date : 2012-12-28
    Location : Vista, California

    'karate-gi' style ties attached to a judo-gi Empty Re: 'karate-gi' style ties attached to a judo-gi

    Post by BillC Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:56 pm

    How is your sense of humor?  Are you prepared to be razzed?  Are your ego and your sense of self-deprecation secure?  Are you a proponent of rash guards and compression underpants in judo?  Do you have a purse that matches your judo shoes?  Rolling Eyes
    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

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    'karate-gi' style ties attached to a judo-gi Empty Re: 'karate-gi' style ties attached to a judo-gi

    Post by Cichorei Kano Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:45 pm

    judoclimber wrote:To have one's gi come undone is an annoyance & distraction for both performers and onlookers in kata demonstration.  I think this may happen more frequently for those who don't own a stiff double-weave type gi.

    What do you think about attaching discreet ties on the inside of a gi that is only used for kata training & demonstration?  I am thinking of the ties that are typically found on the inside of karate-gi, that help keep each side always stay closed.  (Velcro is not an option, as if they came undone it would make a noise.)


    When I started jûdô, I didn't really want to do jûdô but karate. However, the jûdô club had special discount rates due to my fathers employment, and there wasn't any karate. In stubborn but silent protest I still bought a karate gi instead of a jûdôgi. The inside ties did not survive very long. I had my mom repair them several times, all to no avail.There are some heavier gi that are used in other budô which also have a string, either on the inside or on top. The pulling that goes on in jûdô is simply to violent. Mine were destroyed even though at that time I was just a beginner and only fighting white belts, yellow belts, and orange belts. Of course I am sure that with modern engineered textiles including ripstop and Kevlar things could be constructed that are virtually indestructable.

    Posts : 24
    Join date : 2013-02-16

    'karate-gi' style ties attached to a judo-gi Empty Re: 'karate-gi' style ties attached to a judo-gi

    Post by judoclimber Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:08 am

    BillC wrote:How is your sense of humor?  Are you prepared to be razzed?  Are your ego and your sense of self-deprecation secure?  Are you a proponent of rash guards and compression underpants in judo?  Do you have a purse that matches your judo shoes?  Rolling Eyes

    sense of humour: good i think, my wife sometimes disagrees

    razzability:           functional

    ego:                    healthy

    self-deprecation:   as required

    rashguards:         not normally, but whenever its necessary for health reasons, I wouldn't mind it.  I wore one the other day, as I had a nasty burn on my arm after spilling hot coffee on myself.  In winter, I've often seen older sensei wearing them, presumably to keep warm as they were just walking around supervising the class and not generating their own body-heat.  I've also seen young fierce competitors wear them, I'm guessing to increase tolerance for discomfort, or sweat more (doesn't seem valid to me, but, whatever).  I recommend them to kids who come in sun-burnt and are constantly distracted.

    compression undergarments: ???  no thoughts on it one way or the other.    I had a sensei tell me he always recommends against silk boxers for the kids, as it makes their pants slide around too much.  I prefer just my normal undies, 'boy short' i think they are called.  just went googling to find you an image, but it was too disturbing -- lace men's undies, low-rise mankinis and all weird crap!  My Japanese friend tells me it's normal over there to have nothing on underneath.

    purse:  no ... BUT i've long thought of sewing a little open pocket inside my training gi to hold my mouthguard during breaks from drilling/randori ... one day I'll get around to it.  It's at times annoying to use a mouthguard, but you get used to it, and it's cheap insurance.  I've had and seen occasional teeth-clashing accidents over the years, and has always seemed just a fraction away from dental injury.

    judo shoes: yes!  i had a cobbler make me a pair of custom kangaroo skin sambofki that i use, when needed.  they are perfect for training through the various toe injuries that can occur, quicker-less messy-cheaper than tape.

    CK: thanks for the story.  I recall being a kid browsing the yellow pages for martial arts to study, and i saw Judo but dismissed it as 'too wimpy, it's GENTLE and not complete without punches kicks weapons and breaking boards.'  what an idiot i was!  so many wasted years.

    Posts : 806
    Join date : 2012-12-28
    Location : Vista, California

    'karate-gi' style ties attached to a judo-gi Empty Re: 'karate-gi' style ties attached to a judo-gi

    Post by BillC Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:55 am

    judoclimber wrote:
    BillC wrote:How is your sense of humor?  Are you prepared to be razzed?  Are your ego and your sense of self-deprecation secure?  Are you a proponent of rash guards and compression underpants in judo?  Do you have a purse that matches your judo shoes?  Rolling Eyes

    sense of humour: good i think, my wife sometimes disagrees

    razzability:           functional

    ego:                    healthy

    self-deprecation:   as required

    rashguards:         not normally, but whenever its necessary for health reasons, I wouldn't mind it.  I wore one the other day, as I had a nasty burn on my arm after spilling hot coffee on myself.  In winter, I've often seen older sensei wearing them, presumably to keep warm as they were just walking around supervising the class and not generating their own body-heat.  I've also seen young fierce competitors wear them, I'm guessing to increase tolerance for discomfort, or sweat more (doesn't seem valid to me, but, whatever).  I recommend them to kids who come in sun-burnt and are constantly distracted.

    compression undergarments: ???  no thoughts on it one way or the other.    I had a sensei tell me he always recommends against silk boxers for the kids, as it makes their pants slide around too much.  I prefer just my normal undies, 'boy short' i think they are called.  just went googling to find you an image, but it was too disturbing -- lace men's undies, low-rise mankinis and all weird crap!  My Japanese friend tells me it's normal over there to have nothing on underneath.

    purse:  no ... BUT i've long thought of sewing a little open pocket inside my training gi to hold my mouthguard during breaks from drilling/randori ... one day I'll get around to it.  It's at times annoying to use a mouthguard, but you get used to it, and it's cheap insurance.  I've had and seen occasional teeth-clashing accidents over the years, and has always seemed just a fraction away from dental injury.

    judo shoes: yes!  i had a cobbler make me a pair of custom kangaroo skin sambofki that i use, when needed.  they are perfect for training through the various toe injuries that can occur, quicker-less messy-cheaper than tape.  

     Very Happy 

    Thanks for being a good sport ... and I enjoyed your detailed response "in character" ... and for thinking outside the box to begin with. Meantime ... don't you think think the ties, unless uncomfortably large and lumpy, would last about one workout? It is indeed difficult to find a judogi that fits some body types, does it seem like some folks just come undone after three steps?

    I once worked with a guy who swore by Armani suits ... dropped a load of money obviously ... though this was back when Silicon Valley actually worked on silicon and Steve Jobs was in his first tenure at Apple ... anyway it didn't matter the suit or how much he had it tailored, New York, Boston, London, Milan ... he looked like a total slob ... shirt would come untucked, tie refused to stay tied, pants would slide down ghetto-style on his rear end. He none the less collected a patent-related royalty to the tune of 17% of my sales ... so of course I felt really bad for him. Twisted Evil 
    Raj Venugopal

    Posts : 120
    Join date : 2013-01-21

    'karate-gi' style ties attached to a judo-gi Empty Re: 'karate-gi' style ties attached to a judo-gi

    Post by Raj Venugopal Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:49 pm

    "CK: thanks for the story. I recall being a kid browsing the yellow pages for martial arts to study, and i saw Judo but dismissed it as 'too wimpy, it's GENTLE and not complete without punches kicks weapons and breaking boards.' what an idiot i was! so many wasted years."

    An an immigrants' kid I was in some goofy sports. My first was figure skating as a young boy. Then at 8 my parents suggested judo. I wanted taekwondo because judo was wimpy... no punching and kicking. So instead I did competitive swimming for 10 years, complete with tiny speedos and shave down. Karate followed, now judo.... but the sentiment is shared... "so many wasted years!"

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