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    Judo clinic at a karate camp


    Posts : 103
    Join date : 2013-01-22
    Location : Norman, Oklahoma

    Judo clinic at a karate camp Empty Judo clinic at a karate camp

    Post by GregW Sat Oct 18, 2014 2:54 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I was recently asked to do a judo clinic at a karate camp next month.  I'm excited about the opportunity.  A few years ago, I got to attend the World's Greatest Camp in North Carolina and I enjoyed watching the demonstrations by aikido and jiu-jitsu instructors and some of the guys from our club participated in some of these clinics.  I thought these would serve as a model for my presentation.

    I'll have about an hour or so to present some techniques to a group consisting primarily of karate students and they'll have the opportunity to try them out.  I considered that the thing of most interest to students of the striking arts would naturally be throws and holds.  The participants will be fit, active karateka and they should be able to participate without too much fear of injury.

    I have never studied any martial art except judo, so I'm not sure what karate students may have as a base of shared knowledge.  I don't know if they have anything similar to our ukemi or principles like happo no kuzushi.  

    Perhaps some of you more experienced sensei have done clinics for similar audiences and would have some suggestions as the best techniques to present to an audience of eager karate students.  What would you focus on in an hour of demonstration and hands-on time?  My initial idea is to show them some more self-defense oriented throws, like how to break a headlock with sukui nage, block a kick and counter with kuchiki taoshi, or how to escape from a "ground and pound" scenario.  It seemed like there would be too many fundamentals to learn before teaching something like how to counter a punch with uki goshi in an hour's time. Of course, I could just teach osoto gari and kesa gatame, but I'm trying to interface with their existing body of knowledge and experience and augment it with something useful.

    I'd appreciate your insights and suggestions.

    Posts : 276
    Join date : 2012-12-31

    Judo clinic at a karate camp Empty Re: Judo clinic at a karate camp

    Post by medo Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:54 pm

    Yep done a few for local karate taekwondo clubs over the years
    Just show them Judo let them incorporate it into there art
    Best get some mats down karate guys are not used to flying through the air
    Not sure about head lock counter would never teach sukui nage as a counter end up breaking your own neck if he don't let go? Now a good b****k wack grab and twist does the job.....

    Posts : 276
    Join date : 2012-12-31

    Judo clinic at a karate camp Empty Re: Judo clinic at a karate camp

    Post by medo Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:44 am

    What I have done in the past is start with break fullls normally me doing them on hard ground them on mats, you will find they are familiar with sweeps including osoto and indeed kanibasami so my approach was koshiguruma ippon seinonage, kesa katame jujigatami that was a two hour session adult only session with five of my pupils helping and acting as ukes.
    Other classes included ogoshi/harri goshi arm under armpit and osoto makikomi/hadaka sankaku jime, purpose on all throws is to control and throw without two hand jacket gripping

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