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2 posters

    Is it valid today?


    Posts : 202
    Join date : 2013-01-21

    Is it valid today? Empty Is it valid today?

    Post by Emanuele2 Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:31 am

    Is the technique shown at 12:35 valid today? Tori touches the uke's leg while throwing him.
    Or touching the leg even during the technique will result in a disqualification?
    Ben Reinhardt
    Ben Reinhardt

    Posts : 794
    Join date : 2012-12-28
    Location : Bonners Ferry, Idaho, USA

    Is it valid today? Empty Re: Is it valid today?

    Post by Ben Reinhardt Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:40 am

    Emanuele2 wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CuqmiiJV4c
    Is the technique shown at 12:35 valid today? Tori touches the uke's leg while throwing him.
    Or touching the leg even during the technique will result in a disqualification?

    Hansokumake for sure...

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 04, 2024 4:01 am