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    Judo and the 2nd summer Youth Olympic Games

    summer yuan

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2014-06-13

    Judo and the 2nd summer Youth Olympic Games  Empty Judo and the 2nd summer Youth Olympic Games

    Post by summer yuan Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:17 pm

    Here are some information about judo of Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games

    I. Time & Venue
    The Judo events of Second Youth Olympic Games will be held in the Nanjing Longjiang Gymnasium from 17 to 21 August, 2014.

    II. Events
    Four categories for men’s individual events; four categories for women’s individual events and the mixed team events.

    III. Number of Athletes
    104 athletes including 52 males and 52 females

    IV. Medals
    The top three athletes or teams of each event will be awarded gold, silver and bronze medals (tie for the third and fourth place) respectively.
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    here are more information about the 2nd summer Youth Olympic Games :
    Official Website:http://www.nanjing2014.org/en/

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    Join date : 2012-12-28
    Location : Vista, California

    Judo and the 2nd summer Youth Olympic Games  Empty Re: Judo and the 2nd summer Youth Olympic Games

    Post by BillC Sat Jun 14, 2014 4:46 am

    Good luck Miss Yuan with your event.

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