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    1964 olympic games


    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2015-03-16

    1964 olympic games Empty 1964 olympic games

    Post by michi Tue Nov 10, 2015 2:38 pm

    Any details or information with a relevance to the 1964 olympic games

    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2015-03-16

    1964 olympic games Empty Re: 1964 olympic games

    Post by michi Tue Nov 10, 2015 2:46 pm

    I know there is a dvd available detailing the 1964 games but I also have an interest in the competitors and any other details about thesending inaugural games for judo.

    For instance does anyone know what the first light weight champion (Takehide Nakatani) does these days and if he is still around judo circles ?

    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2015-03-16

    1964 olympic games Empty Re: 1964 olympic games

    Post by michi Tue Nov 10, 2015 2:52 pm

    For instance I know there is a full judo documentary in Dutch about the first olympic open weight champion Anton Geesink


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