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    Red Carpet BAFTA Screening to celebrate Trevor Leggett's centenary


    Posts : 1070
    Join date : 2013-01-02

    Red Carpet BAFTA Screening to celebrate Trevor Leggett's centenary Empty Red Carpet BAFTA Screening to celebrate Trevor Leggett's centenary

    Post by Jonesy Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:03 am



    Congratulations to Dr Diana Birch, her daughter Leila Birch and the extended team for all aspects of the award winning short film "A Man of the Ways" made to mark the centenary of Trevor Pryce (TP) Leggett and that premièred at BAFTA yesterday. It was a pleasure and a privilege to attend the event - marking a remarkable man, who made a remarkable contribution to the development of judo in the UK. His likes, his values and his approach to judo will not be seen again.
    Red Carpet BAFTA Screening to celebrate Trevor Leggett's centenary TPL1
    Red Carpet BAFTA Screening to celebrate Trevor Leggett's centenary TPL%202

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