Trevor Leggett is the author of the following books;
"Championship Judo : tai-otoshi and o-uchi-gari attacks, by Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 - 2000)", Watanabe, Kisaburo, London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1994[2], 64p, 233 x 163 x 5, PB, ISBN 0874572550.
"Championship Judo : Tai-Otoshi and O-Uchi-Gari attacks, by Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 - 2000)", Watanabe, Kisaburo, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1964[1], 64p, 220 x 143 x 8, HB.
"Kata judo", by Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 - 2000), London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1982[2], 179p, 222 x 145 x 14, HB, ISBN 057201175X.
"Kata judo", by Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 - 2000), London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1964[1], 179p, 222 x 145 x 14, HB.
"Lo spirito del budo", by Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 - 2000), Pensante, A., UL, Italy, Luni, 2005, 95p, ISBN13 9788874350773.
"The Demonstration of Gentleness : Ju-no-kata (Renshuden judo library)", by Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 - 2000), London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1964, 62p, 222 x 145 x 9, HB.
"The Demonstration of Holds : Katame-no-kata (Renshuden judo library)", by Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 - 2000), London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1964, 60p, 222 x 145 x 9, HB.
"The Demonstration of Throws : Nage-no-Kata (Renshuden judo library)", by Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 - 2000), London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham & Co., 1960 1964, 70p, 222 x 145 x 9, HB.
"The Dragon Mask and Other Judo Stories in the Zen Tradition" by Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 - 2000), London, United Kingdom, Ippon Books, 1995, 128p, 21 cm, PB, ISBN13 9781874572169.
He has translated the following books;
"My championship Judo", By Geesink, (Anton) Anthonius Johannes (1934 - 2010), Leggett, Trevor Pryce (1914 - 2000), New York, United States, Arco Publishing, 1966, 135p, 256 x 182 x 13, HB.
In addition to these Page&vl(1UIStartWith2)=contains&dum=true&vl(1UIStartWith0)=contains&vl(46690061UI3)=all_items&Submit=Search&vl(drStartYear4)=Year&vl(freeText1)=Trevor
at British library
lists twenty something entries also on Śaṅkarācārya on Śaṅkara on the Yoga-sūtra-s. Vol.1, Samādhi. the Vivaraṇa sub-commentary to Vyāsabhāṣya on the Yoga-sūtra-s of Pantañjali Samādhi-pāda. [translated by] Trevor Leggett.