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    Historical meeting


    Posts : 507
    Join date : 2013-01-11
    Location : Finland

    Historical meeting Empty Historical meeting

    Post by finarashi Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:54 am

    Historical meeting 2cf7fif

    The caucasian male (standing) had this to say of others; "...não teve duvida em classifical-os como authenticos mestres." or roughly ".. no doubt they are classified as authentic masters."

    Hint, the date was August 1939.
    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

    Posts : 1948
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    Age : 864
    Location : the Holy See

    Historical meeting Empty Re: Historical meeting

    Post by Cichorei Kano Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:47 am

    finarashi wrote:

    The caucasian male (standing) had this to say of others; "...não teve duvida em classifical-os como authenticos mestres." or roughly ".. no doubt they are classified as authentic masters."

    Hint, the date was August 1939.

    Historical meeting Helio-gracie-morre-fernando-lemos-veja-1g

    Posts : 507
    Join date : 2013-01-11
    Location : Finland

    Historical meeting Empty Re: Historical meeting

    Post by finarashi Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:18 pm

    Gazeta de Noticias 20-7-1939 "on 4th of August will representatives of Kodokan make a public demonstration on the demonstrators are Sumiyaki Kotani and Chyugo (Chugo) Sato" also attending were Shojiro Higuchi, Sesei Fucikeya and Tokenso Terezoki. They had already given several demonstrations They were credited to be not only from Kodokan but also having graduated respectively from University of Tokio and Civic education school Kokunshinkan. Gazeta de Noticias 27-7-1939
    They arrived abroad the ship Buenos Aires Maru at 29-7-1039 Gazeta de Noticias 29-7-1939
    with picture of them at arrival and a large story including principles of Judo (a la style writings of Kano) Gazeta de Noticias 30-7-1939

    The demonstrartion on which Helio Garcia attended and was pictured is detailedly discussed on p. 1 and p. 12 of Gazeta de Noticias 1-8-1939
    It was titled as "The Grand Judo meeting" and again had detailed information on Judo.
    The picture of Helio with Kotani? with rest of the Japanese sitting at background is on p.1 Gazeta de Noticias 1-8-1939
    The meeting took Place at the Corps of Naval Gunners (Corpo de Fuzileiras Navaes).

    On the same Gazeta de Noticias 1-8-1939 there is a large article on Chamberline's attempts to stop the WWII.

    This infromation can be checked By using Brasilian digital achieve of newspapers

    completed description 27.6.2014

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