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    IBU - studying judo and japanese language and culture


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    IBU - studying judo and japanese language and culture Empty IBU - studying judo and japanese language and culture

    Post by noboru Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:41 pm

    Here are informations about IBU (International Budo University) in Katsuura, Chiba, Japan. There are class for judo, kendo, iaido, naginata , japanese language and culture.

    Special Course, Information

    Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki is head professor of judo teaching.

    Some from my friends was there in kendo class before years. One of them visited the judo class too. Judokas went to sea swimming in the New Year.

    I tried to find the some basic points of judo teaching in class but I was not succesfull. Do you know more informations about judo teaching there?

    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    IBU - studying judo and japanese language and culture Empty Re: IBU - studying judo and japanese language and culture

    Post by NBK Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:48 am

    I have limited experience with the IBU, but have been there for a couple of seminars a few days each.

    the facilities seem first rate.

    Factors that probably will not show up in their materials include the chance to cross train in a number of other sports and martial arts. Also, a number of international teams show up periodically so the level of competitor / training partner can be very high, at least for short periods.

    Katsuura is hilly, you'd get a lot of therapeutic walking, and a small fishing / tourist town. Not convenient to Tokyo, but not bad either - less than 2 hrs to the largest city in the world.

    good luck!

    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

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    IBU - studying judo and japanese language and culture Empty Re: IBU - studying judo and japanese language and culture

    Post by Cichorei Kano Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:56 am

    My concerns about IBU are the following:

    1. It is in the middle of nowhere, far away from the centers of culturally rich Japan.
    2. Practically, in the Western world you can't do a damn thing with writing in your CV "I took some classes in ...". You need to have a degree. The programs for foreigners generally are geared towards just "taking some classes in", although there is also an undergraduate program. Although Japan has various university programs that focus on martial arts,
    3. Academically, IBU does not appear anywhere in the lists of "decent universities"; I am not talking "top universities " (Tôkyô, Kyôto, Waseda ...), but just 'decent'.
    4. They have zero international collaborators, no programs for scholarship exchange, no facilities for foreign visiting professors. It's a little hole, a bit like the Kôdôkan: the money of foreigners is very welcome, but all the rest is 100% ruled and led by Japanese males-only. Diversity is an unknown word, both in terms of gender, citizenship, or ethnicity hence offering no opportunity for conflicting views, philosophy, cultures, and academic discourse.

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