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    Ronda at Flavio Canto's Academy in Brazil

    Carlos Graña

    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2014-01-09

    Ronda at Flavio Canto's Academy in Brazil Empty Ronda at Flavio Canto's Academy in Brazil

    Post by Carlos Graña Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:54 am

    I really loved this video were Ronda shows off her judo throws. What is the throw she does at the 1:23,where she tosses Rafaela Silva backwards?

    I cant' seem to post the video correctly, but here is the link.

    Video Ronda Rousey judo workout in Brazil



    Posts : 159
    Join date : 2013-07-16
    Location : Norway

    Ronda at Flavio Canto's Academy in Brazil Empty Re: Ronda at Flavio Canto's Academy in Brazil

    Post by Ryvai Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:05 pm

    Carlos Graña wrote:I really loved this video were Ronda shows off her judo throws. What is the throw she does at the 1:23,where she tosses Rafaela Silva backwards?

    I cant' seem to post the video correctly, but here is the link.

    Video Ronda Rousey judo workout in Brazil



    I believe she is demonstrating some renraku-waza with utsuri-goshi. The initial attack I believe is utsuri-goshi (uke and tori are side-by-side in this variation). The one where she throws backwards is a follow up if uke defends by leaning in that direction and tori takes advantage of this reaction. It could be ushiro-goshi also, as it resembles the situation where uke would attack with o-soto-gari and countered by lifting up the reaping leg for utsuri-goshi, the setup looks similar at least. I am not entirely sure what to call it, but it is a very nice combination if uke is hard to throw forwards Smile
    Ben Reinhardt
    Ben Reinhardt

    Posts : 794
    Join date : 2012-12-28
    Location : Bonners Ferry, Idaho, USA

    Ronda at Flavio Canto's Academy in Brazil Empty Re: Ronda at Flavio Canto's Academy in Brazil

    Post by Ben Reinhardt Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:19 am

    She is showing part of how to deal with the "hip to hip" position.

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