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    What's on your shiai playlist?

    Raj Venugopal

    Posts : 120
    Join date : 2013-01-21

    What's on your shiai playlist? Empty What's on your shiai playlist?

    Post by Raj Venugopal Sat Oct 18, 2014 4:38 am

    What's on your shiai playlist? That is... if you put on a pair of headphones.

    Curious on what kind of range of genres would be captured by this diverse group...


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    What's on your shiai playlist? Empty Re: What's on your shiai playlist?

    Post by tafftaz Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:34 am

    Never have. Always walked around or warmed up with eyes and ears wide open. Spent most of time on warm up mat so no need for music, but that was then.

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    What's on your shiai playlist? Empty Re: What's on your shiai playlist?

    Post by Stacey Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:24 pm

    grew up in an era where that wasn't possible, and haven't gotten into the habit. It's not what's relevant to me. I want to suck up the energy of the shiai, and make sure I'm not missing a call to the tatami. I like watching what my opponents are doing with other opponents, so I can see what their style is, what their tokui waza is, and what works against them. Shutting out the rest of the world isn't attractive to me.

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    What's on your shiai playlist? Empty Re: What's on your shiai playlist?

    Post by Ryvai Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:06 am

    I am of that generation where spotify and a BOSE noise-canceling headset is meditation before shiai Smile

    While I don't have a playlist per say, there no other song that gets me more pumped up and ready than the song; 'Soldiers' by otherwise. Listen to the text and get pumped Wink

    Spotify song link

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    What's on your shiai playlist? Empty Re: What's on your shiai playlist?

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