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    old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan.


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    old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan. Empty old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan.

    Post by noboru Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:10 am

    Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan.
    Ben Reinhardt
    Ben Reinhardt

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    old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan. Empty Re: old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan.

    Post by Ben Reinhardt Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:18 am

    noboru wrote:Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan.

    Thanks for sharing ! Gotta love those tatami...
    Creamy creamy baileys
    Creamy creamy baileys

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    old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan. Empty Re: old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan.

    Post by Creamy creamy baileys Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:38 am

    Great clip. What's on those floors - looks like burlap :/

    Why are half of them gi-less, when clearly a few have gi's? Beginners class or something else? (I know there were substitute, low cost gi alternatives, I think made from twined rope, that allowed for proper kumikata)
    Ben Reinhardt
    Ben Reinhardt

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    old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan. Empty Re: old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan.

    Post by Ben Reinhardt Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:51 am

    Creamy creamy baileys wrote:Great clip. What's on those floors - looks like burlap :/

    Why are half of them gi-less, when clearly a few have gi's? Beginners class or something else? (I know there were substitute, low cost gi alternatives, I think made from twined rope, that allowed for proper kumikata)

    None available. Couldn't just order one online back then, or afford to pay for one, either.

    That's my guess.
    Creamy creamy baileys
    Creamy creamy baileys

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    old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan. Empty Re: old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan.

    Post by Creamy creamy baileys Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:08 am

    How old is this clip / when was it shot I wonder

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    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan. Empty Re: old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan.

    Post by NBK Sat Jan 10, 2015 7:03 pm

    there's a part of a date but it's cut off - I'd think sometime in the 1930s

    judo was given in whatever you showed up in  - worn out tatami, no gi, etc.  Rural Japan was a pretty poor place - this was a technical school, apparently, which meant country boys heading to farms or factories.   I have a report of a US doctor touring Japan, late 1920s IIRC, who stops at one in the countryside and is given a full tour, including the martial arts instruction.  

    When he asked why teach martial arts to country boys, not warriors, he was told 'Japan needs strong farmers, too'.  And they didn't waste a lot of money on equipment.  

    There were instructions given to instructors showing how to use a strip of heavy cloth tied in a loop, then criss crossed like a bandoleer across the shoulders to give a solid place to grip.  I've done it when someone shows up at the dojo without gi but wants to try something, or demo something.  Works OK for basic instruction.


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    old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan. Empty Re: old clip Class in Judo at Furukawa Intermediate School in Honshu, Japan.

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