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    Referee and Referee Candidate,

    Jerry Hays

    Posts : 142
    Join date : 2012-12-31

    Referee and Referee Candidate, Empty Referee and Referee Candidate,

    Post by Jerry Hays Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:20 pm

    Referee and Referee Candidate,

    The San Jose Buddhist Judo Club "Sensei Memorial" has been approved as a National Referee Examination and Evaluation event.

    We are proud to announce that Mr. Gary Takemoto will have just returned from the IJF Referee and Coach seminar in Malaga, Spain the previous weekend and will be conducting the referee seminar.  He will go over the new rule changes and interpretations.

    Dr. Gregory Moore will be the Chief Referee and Gary Takemoto and Dan Israel will be evaluators.  Mr. Robert Fukuda, Olympic Referee, will also be in attendance to help answer any questions.

    Referees attending are required to wear their referee attire at the clinic. Coaches and instructors are welcome to attend. Please wear appropriate coach attire.

    The seminar will be held at the San Jose State University Event Center at 2:00 on Saturday, February 7, 2015. National and Regional testing to follow the seminar.  Please visit www.sjbjudo.org for more details.

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 10:50 pm