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    Judges in judo conform to the referee (new scientific study)

    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

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    Judges in judo conform to the referee (new scientific study) Empty Judges in judo conform to the referee (new scientific study)

    Post by Cichorei Kano Thu Feb 14, 2013 3:49 am

    According to a new scientific study published in the European Journal of Sport Science by Boena and colleagues, judges in judo conform to the referee because of the reactive feedback system.

    The study is based on an experiment. The abstract [with some edits] is as follows:

    "This experiment tested whether the conformism observed among panels of judges in aesthetic sports also occurs among judges in judo. Similar to aesthetic sports, judo judging relies upon a form of open feedback. However, in judo, this system is reactive (i.e. two judges have to publicly ‘correct’ the score given by the higher-status referee), whereas it is active in aesthetic sports (i.e. judges with equal status report their score simultaneously and can use the feedback about the scores of their colleagues for evaluating later performances). In order to test whether such reactive open-feedback system leads to conformism among judges in judo, we designed an experiment in which this feedback was manipulated. Participants were 20 certified judges, who had to score two sets of 11 ambiguous video sequences that are used during formation and training of judo judges: one set with feedback about the referee's score and one set without feedback. The results revealed that when participants knew the referee's score, their scores were significantly more in line with this score than when they did not know this score. More specifically, for both sets of sequences at least 10% less deviations from the referee were observed when participants were given feedback about the score of the referee. These results suggest that preventable conformism can occur in typical judo judging, that is with reactive open feedback." (...)

    My personal thoughts without going into the pure science of methodology, stats, etc., is that these findings are most likely in line with what we have all suspected for a long time, and with that what those among us who are referees have felt and perceived many times before.

    Another thought would be that those findings might be extrapolated to judging kata in a sense, that the having judges score "aesthetic performance" without knowledge of each others scores avoids the problems highlighted by this research, (one of the many) problems which cause bias in scores.

    Please, share comments, questions or caveats.

    Posts : 184
    Join date : 2013-01-22

    Judges in judo conform to the referee (new scientific study) Empty Re: Judges in judo conform to the referee (new scientific study)

    Post by wdax Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:19 am

    Cichorei Kano wrote:My personal thoughts without going into the pure science of methodology, stats, etc., is that these findings are most likely in line with what we have all suspected for a long time, and with that what those among us who are referees have felt and perceived many times before.
    What more can I say - the outcome is not very surprising.

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    Location : Finland

    Judges in judo conform to the referee (new scientific study) Empty Re: Judges in judo conform to the referee (new scientific study)

    Post by finarashi Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:48 pm

    Actually the advice given in the high level referee seminars is; "If you can in any way confrom to the referee's decision then do so, Only if you think the referee is grossly wrong then show you disagree"

    The IJF has taken action and now the feedback is from the table and not from corners so at least cases one corner disagreeing and another agreeing do not show anymore.

    Posts : 62
    Join date : 2013-02-21
    Location : Va

    Judges in judo conform to the referee (new scientific study) Empty Re: Judges in judo conform to the referee (new scientific study)

    Post by FightingSpirit Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:24 pm

    finarashi wrote:
    The IJF has taken action and now the feedback is from the table and not from corners so at least cases one corner disagreeing and another agreeing do not show anymore.

    So it would seem that the flawed logic of opting for 1 referee instead of 3 boils down to a perceived preference for FORM over SUBSTANCE...

    Suspect that if science were involved we would re-learn that in order to mitigate human error from 'subjective judgement' that three human opinions (perspectives=angle of view) are typically better than one.

    Would seem the better alternative would be to simply account for and address the inherent bias (thru training, awareness, or non-visible electric shock) rather than throw the baby out with the bath water...

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    Judges in judo conform to the referee (new scientific study) Empty Re: Judges in judo conform to the referee (new scientific study)

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